RingCentral Webinar API Quick Start

Last updated: 2024-07-22Contributors
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RingCentral Webinar APIs are in beta

The RingCentral Webinar API is currently in beta. Developers should be aware of the following:

  • While efforts will bbe made to notify developers of changes that may impact them, no guarantees are offered around backwards compatibility. Changes can be introduced at any time that may impact your applications.
  • Webinar APIs are not currently available in our sandbox environment and developers are asked to do development in our production environment.

Partners wishing to build products for RingCentral customers should apply to the Webinar Partner Developer Program to obtain a free Developer license for RingCentral Webinar.

Calling the RingCentral API for the first time? We recommend you try out getting started experience.

In this quick start, we are going to help you create your first webinar on the platform in just a few minutes. Let's get started.

Create an app

The first thing we need to do is create an app in the RingCentral Developer Portal. This can be done quickly by clicking the "Create Webinar App" button below. Just click the button, enter a name and description if you choose, and click the "Create" button. If you do not yet have a RingCentral account, you will be prompted to create one.

Create Webinar App

  1. Login or create an account if you have not done so already.
  2. Go to Console/Apps and click 'Create App' button.
  3. Select "REST API App" under "What type of app are you creating?" Click "Next."
  4. Under "Auth" select "JWT auth flow."
  5. Under "Security" select "This app is private and will only be callable using credentials from the same RingCentral account."

When you are done, you will be taken to the app's dashboard. Make note of the Client ID and Client Secret. We will be using those momentarily.

Download and edit a .env file

Follow the instructions found in our guide to running Developer Guide code samples. Or:

  1. Download our env-template and save it as a file named .env.
  2. Edit your newly downloaded .env file, setting its variables with the proper values for the app you created above, paying close attention to the following:
    • RC_APP_CLIENT_ID - set to the Client ID of the app you created above
    • RC_APP_CLIENT_SECRET - set to the Client Secret of the app you created above
    • RC_USER_JWT - set to the JWT credential you created for yourself

Please use production credentials to call the Webinar API

RingCentral Webinar is not currently available in sandbox. To successfully call the API, please do development directly in our production environment.

Create a webinar

Install RingCentral Node.js SDK

$ npm install @ringcentral/sdk dotenv

Create and edit webinar.js

Create a file called webinar.js. Be sure to edit the variables in ALL CAPS with your app and user credentials.

const RC = require('@ringcentral/sdk').SDK

var rcsdk = new RC({
    'server':       process.env.RC_SERVER_URL,
    'clientId':     process.env.RC_APP_CLIENT_ID,
    'clientSecret': process.env.RC_APP_CLIENT_SECRET
var platform = rcsdk.platform();
platform.login({ 'jwt':  process.env.RC_USER_JWT })

platform.on(platform.events.loginSuccess, function(e){

async function create_webinar(){
    try {
    platform.post('/webinar/configuration/v1/webinars', {
        title: "My first webinar",
        description: "This webinar was created via the Webinar Quick Start guide for developers"
        .then(function(resp) {
          return resp.json()
        .then(function (json) {
            console.log('Response: ', json )
    } catch(e) {
        console.log("An error occured: ", e.message)

Run Your Code

You are almost done. Now run your script.

$ node webinar.js
$ pip install ringcentral

Create and edit webinar.py

Create a file called webinar.py. Be sure to edit the variables in ALL CAPS with your app and user credentials.


# You get the environment parameters from your
# application dashbord in your developer account
# https://developers.ringcentral.com

import os
import sys

from dotenv import load_dotenv
from ringcentral import SDK

rcsdk = SDK( os.environ.get('RC_APP_CLIENT_ID'),
             os.environ.get('RC_SERVER_URL') )
platform = rcsdk.platform()
  platform.login( jwt=os.environ.get('RC_USER_JWT') )

except Exception as e:
  sys.exit("Unable to authenticate to platform: " + str(e))

def create_webinar(fromNumber):
    resp = platform.post('/webinar/configuration/v1/webinars',
    'title': "My first webinar",
    'description': "This webinar was created via the Webinar Quick Start guide for developers"
    jsonObj = resp.json()
    sys.exit("Unable to create a webinar")
    print (jsonObj.messageStatus)


Run Your Code

You are almost done. Now run your script.

$ python webinar.py

Install RingCentral PHP SDK

$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ php composer.phar require ringcentral/ringcentral-php

Create and edit webinar.php

Create a file called webinar.php. Be sure to edit the variables in ALL CAPS with your app and user credentials.

/* You get the environment parameters from your
   application dashbord in your developer account
   https://developers.ringcentral.com */

$dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__ . '/../');

$rcsdk = new RingCentral\SDK\SDK( $_ENV['RC_APP_CLIENT_ID'],
                                  $_ENV['RC_SERVER_URL'] );
$platform = $rcsdk->platform();
$platform->login( [ "jwt" => $_ENV['RC_USER_JWT'] ] );


function create_webinar(){
  global $platform;
  try {
    $resp = $platform->post('/webinar/configuration/v1/webinars',
           'title' => "My first webinar",
       'description' => "This webinar was created via the Webinar Quick Start guide for developers"
    print("Webinar created. Message status: " . $resp->json()->messageStatus . PHP_EOL);
  } catch (\RingCentral\SDK\Http\ApiException $e) {
    exit("An error occurred: " . $e->message . PHP_EOL);

Run Your Code

You are almost done. Now run your script.

$ php webinar.php

Install RingCentral Ruby SDK

$ gem install ringcentral-sdk

Create and edit webinar.rb

Create a file called webinar.rb. Be sure to edit the variables in ALL CAPS with your app and user credentials.


# You get the environment parameters from your
# application dashbord in your developer account
# https://developers.ringcentral.com

require 'ringcentral'
require 'dotenv/load'

$rc = RingCentral.new(ENV['RC_APP_CLIENT_ID'],

$rc.authorize(jwt: ENV['RC_USER_JWT'])

def create_webinar()
  resp = $rc.post('/webinar/configuration/v1/webinars', payload: {
    title: "My first webinar",
    description: "This webinar was created via the Webinar Quick Start guide for developers"

  puts "Webinar created. Message status: " + resp.body['messageStatus']


Run Your Code

You are almost done. Now run your script.

$ ruby webinar.rb

C# and .NET SDKs are not currently available

If you are looking to call RingCentral Webinar APIs using Java or C#, RingCentral Webinar APIs can't be invoked using RingCentral's Java or C# SDK at the moment. You can however call the APIs directly from those programming lanugaes using a REST based helper library if needed.

A Java SDK is not currently available

If you are looking to call RingCentral Webinar APIs using Java or C#, RingCentral Webinar APIs can't be invoked using RingCentral's Java or C# SDK at the moment. You can however call the APIs directly from those programming lanugaes using a REST based helper library if needed.

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