Receiving Webhooks

Last updated: 2024-01-31Contributors
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Once a webhook has been created then events will start being transmitted to the webhook URL you designated.

Verifying incoming webhooks are authorized

Validation tokens are an optional way of further verifying/validating an incoming webhooks and are specifically designed to deflect man-in-the-middle attacks.

Validation tokens are arbitrary strings specified by the developer when a webhook is created. When provided by the developer, they will transmitted in an HTTP header by RingCentral along with every webhook. This provides the developer with the means of independently verifying that the webhook was transmitted by RingCentral.

Take the following C# code for example:

var subscriptionInfo = await rc.Restapi().Subscription().Post(new CreateSubscriptionRequest
  eventFilters = new[] {"/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true"},
  deliveryMode = new NotificationDeliveryModeRequest
  transportType = "WebHook",
  address = "",
  validationToken = "hello-world"

When we setup the WebHook, we include deliveryMode.validationToken in the request body. And whenever a webhook is sent, there will be a Validation-Token in the headers:

  accept: "application/json"
  accept-encoding: "UTF-8"
  content-length: "919"
  content-type: "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
  host: ""
  user-agent: "RingCentral-Webhook/8.3"
  validation-token: "hello-world"
  x-forwarded-for: ""
  x-forwarded-proto: "https"