RingCentral RingEX™ API Changelog

Last updated: 2024-02-16Contributors
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Welcome to the RingEX API changelog, which provides developers with a detailed list of all changes made to the API over time. This resource will help developers to:

  • understand how changes may have potentially impacted their code
  • learn about new APIs they might want to begin using

View lastest changelog »

RingCentral makes available here the last two years of change logs. If you would like to browse an older change log, please consult our archive in Github.

Using the changelog

Icons are used throughout the changelog to help you understand at a glance more about any specific entry. These icons are:

Icon Description Notes
🔐 Advanced API API available by request.
⚠️ Breaking change This change may potentially break compatibility with your app.
🔧 Bug fix A

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