Download the RingCentral Video Client SDK

Last updated: 2024-03-20Contributors
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RingCentral Video REST API and Client SDKs are in beta

The RingCentral Video REST API and Client SDKs are currently in beta. Developers should be aware of the following:

  • Their feature sets are not reflective of the full scope currently planned.
  • Backwards compatibility is not guaranteed from one release to the next during the beta period. Changes can be introduced at any time that may impact your applications with little notice.
  • Video APIs are not currently available in our sandbox environment and developers are asked to do development in our production environment.


In order to use the Video Client SDK during the private beta, please make sure you have done all of the following first:

  1. Create a RingCentral account with access to video in production.
    • If you are an existing RingCentral customer of one of our paid plans, then you can use your main account.
    • If do not yet have a RingCentral account, or if you currently use our standard free developer account, you will need to create a free RingCentral Video Pro account.
  2. Register your application and make note of your app's Client ID. Be sure to add the Video Internal app scope so that it can be approved for your app.


Web SDK (Javascript)

The Video Client SDK for the web can be found on npm. One can install the SDK via a command line as well.

% npm install @ringcentral/video-sdk

React UI components

React UI components are also available via npm, and can be installed via the command line as well.

% npm install @ringcentral/video-sdk-react

React Native

React Native components are also available via npm, and can be installed via the command line as well.

% npm install @ringcentral/rcv-react-native-sdk

Native iOS

The Video Client SDK for native iOS applications is available via CocoaPods. One can link their iOS project to the Client SDK bhy adding the following to their Podfile:

pod 'Ringcentral-Video-SDK', '~> 0.9.0'

Then from your project directory run the following command:

% pod install

Native Android

The Video Client SDK for native Android applications is available via Maven. One can automatically download and install the SDK by making the following changes to your build.gradle project file. First, add the following to your maven respositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Then, add the following dependencies to your gradle file:

implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:1.5.20"
implementation 'com.pubnub:pubnub-gson:4.29.2'
implementation ''