API Changelog for May 2021 (v.1.0.47)

Last updated: 2021-06-11Contributors
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Call Handling Rules

  • missedCall settings supported
Changed Methods
GET /account/~/extension/~/answering-rule/{ruleId}
POST /account/~/extension/~/answering-rule
PUT /account/~/extension/~/answering-rule/{ruleId}

Call Log

  • new Text Relay action supported
  • new Barge In Call action supported
  • internalType attribute supported
Changed Methods
GET /account/~/extension/~/call-log
GET /account/~/extension/~/call-log/{callRecordId}
GET /account/~/call-log
GET /account/~/call-log/{callRecordId}
GET /account/~/extension/~/call-log-sync
GET /account/~/call-log-sync
GET /account/~/extension/~/active-calls
GET /account/~/active-calls

SMS and Fax

Message Exports

  • new messageTypes, dateFrom and dateTo parameters supported
Changed Methods
GET /account/~/message-store-report


  • new support for per-message failures vs. failing entire batch
  • new rejected message list response property supported
Changed Methods
POST /restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/batch


New Features
  • GroupCallPickup feature supported
  • BYOC feature supported
Changed Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/features

Phone Numbers

  • usageType ExternalMobileNumber supported
  • paymentType ExternalNumberProvider supported
Changed Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/phone-number
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/phone-number/{phoneNumberId}
GET /account/{accountId}/phone-number

Regional Settings

  • New API for domestic countries list
Changed Methods
⭐️ GET /dictionary/brand/{brandId}/contracted-country/{contractedCountryId}

User Settings

Notification Settings
  • includeManagers flag is supported
Changed Methods
GET /account/~/extension/~/notification-settings
PUT /account/~/extension/~/notification-settings

Extension Grant List
  • GroupCallpickup extension type is supported
Changed Methods
GET /account/~/extension/~/grants

Extension Caller ID
  • BYOC numbers supported
Changed Methods
GET /account/~/extension/~/caller-id
PUT /account/~/extension/~/caller-id



  • non domestic devices can be configured as Hot Desking
Changed Methods
GET /account/~/device/{deviceId}
PUT /account/~/device/{deviceId}