Creating an Install App Button

Last updated: 2019-02-21Contributors
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It is sometimes useful to assist users and/or developers in the creation of an app. Some private applications from our community for example require organizations to host an application themselves, and any user of the app to create an application in their organization configured specifically for their environment. As we have found with our own sample applications we provide to developers, if the applications people setup are not configured precisely, they may not work as expected.

So address this, we have a simple URL pragma for creating applications. When a user follows one of these URLs, they will be taken into their Developer Console to a form with all of the application's settings preset for the developer. Then all the developer has to do is click "Save" and they are done.

This document describes how to create such a button.

Sample Button

<a class="btn btn-primary" href=",7310,3420&permissions=ReadMessages&redirectUri=">
  Button Text

With a little CSS (our site uses Bootstrap), the above will produce the following button link:

Button Text

Query String Parameters

Field Name Parameter Notes
Application Name name Any text. Max length is 64.
Description desc Any text. Max length is 256.
Application Type public May be "true" or "false." Sets the field to read-only if specified.
Platform Type type See Platform Type Enumeration below. Sets the field to read-only if specified.
Carrier carriers See Carrier Enumeration. Multiple values should be separated by commas. Only effective when the Application Type is Public.
Permissions Needed permission See Permission Enumeration. Multiple values should be separated by commas. Sets the field to read-only if specified.
OAuth Redirect URI redirectUri Any valid URI. Multiple values should be separated by commas. Duplicated values will be dropped. The value should not contain wildcards. Max count is 10.

Platform Type Enumeration

Value Description
MobileIOS Native and hybrid mobile apps for iOS.
MobileAndroid Native and hybrid mobile apps for Android.
MobileOther Native and hybrid mobile apps for other mobile platforms.
DesktopWindows Installable desktop apps for Windows.
DesktopMac Installable desktop apps for Macs.
DesktopOther Installable desktop apps, including Chrome apps.
BrowserBased In-browser, client-side apps that communicate with RingCentral APIs on the client, e.g. client-side JavaScript
ServerWeb Web-based apps that communicate with RingCentral APIs from the server, e.g. Node.js, PHP, Ruby on Rails, etc.
ServerBot Chat bot apps built for Glip that communicate with RingCentral APIs from the server side and can be running on your private or public network.
ServerOther For apps that do not have a UI, and thus have no end-user touch points.

Carrier Enumeration

Value Carrier
3420 AT&T
7310 TELUS
7710 BT

Permission Enumeration

Value Equivalent
Contacts Make changes Contacts
EditExtensions Edit Extensions
EditMessages Edit Messages
EditPresence Change a user's Presence
Faxes Send faxes
Glip Post messages to a Glip group
InternalMessages Internal Messages
Meetings Create and schedule meetings
ReadAccounts Read Accounts
ReadCallLog Read Call Log
ReadCallRecording Read Call Recording
ReadContacts Access contact info within your account
ReadMessages Read Messages
ReadPresence Read Presence
RingOut Placing calls via Ring Out
SMS Sending SMS Messages
SubscriptionWebhook Webhook Subscriptions
VoipCalling VoIP Calling