API Changelog for December 2019 (v.1.0.41)

Last updated: 2021-07-09Contributors
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Phone Numbers

Status Filter
  • new status query parameter is supported.
Changed Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/phone-number
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/phone-number

User Settings

Call Queue Manager Grants
  • new extensionType query parameter supported;
  • new callQueueSetup, callQueueMembersSetup, extension.name response attributes added.
Changed Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/grant


HS256 Signed Tokens Restriction
  • new error code OAU-347 introduced: "An algorithm which is used for assertion signing is not supported for JWT Bearer grant type".
Changed Methods
POST /restapi/oauth/token
⚠️ Tokens
  • new error code:OAU-163 introduced: "Login of this call queue is not allowed as queue managers are selected from the user list."
Changed Methods
POST /restapi/oauth/token

Call Management

Call Routing

IVR Prompt Size
  • max IVR prompt size increased to 20Mb.
Changed Methods
🔐 POST /account/{accountId}/ivr-prompts

Rule Management

⚠️ Shared Line Group Call Handling Rules
  • new SharedLines value supported for callHandlingAction attribute.
Changed Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/answering-rule
POST /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/answering-rule
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/answering-rule/{ruleId}
PUT /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/answering-rule/{ruleId}
Shared Line Group Hold Music
  • HoldMusic value supported for greeting type attribute;
  • HoldMusic value supported for greetings[].type attribute.
Changed Methods
POST /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/greeting
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/answering-rule/{ruleId}

Events & Notifications

Extension Change Event

⚠️ New Hints
  • new values AccountSettings, AccountStatus, CompanyNumbers, Features, Limits, Permissions supported for hints attibute in notification payload;
  • values AccountInfo, PhoneNumber, Role suppressed.
Changed Notification Payloads



Fax Size Limit Increased
  • Max attachment size limit (each/total) increased to 50Mb.
Changed Methods
POST /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/fax

Message Exports

⚠️ Phone Number Masking
  • from.phoneNumber and to.phoneNumber attribute values may be returned with last four digits masked in certain conditions, e.g. +3351234XXXX.
Changed Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/message-store-report/{taskId}/archive/{archiveId}



Country/State ID in Request
  • countryId and stateId request attributes supported.
Changed Methods
🔐 PUT /account/{accountId}/device/{deviceId}]
Emergency Address for Shared Line Group Devices
  • address updating supported for SLG devices.
Changed Methods
🔐 PUT /account/{accountId}/device/{deviceId}]


Call Control

⚠️ Call Out Origin
  • new value CallOut supported for origin.type attribute.
Changed Methods
POST /account/{accountId}/telephony/call-out
GET /account/{accountId}/telephony/sessions/{sessionId}

Call Log

⚠️ Phone Number Masking
  • phoneNumber attribute value may be returned with last four digits masked in certain conditions, e.g. +3351234XXXX.
Changed Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/call-log
GET /account/{accountId}/call-log/{callRecordId}
GET /account/{accountId}/call-log-sync
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/call-log
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/call-log/{callRecordId}
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/call-log-sync
GET /account/accountId/active-calls
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/active-calls
🔧 Sync Recording Filter Fix
  • issue with incorrect behavior of withRecording filter (returning calls without recording in some cases) fixed.
Changed Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/call-log-sync
Telephony Session ID
  • telephonySessionId attribute added.
Changed Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/call-log
GET /account/{accountId}/call-log/{callRecordId}
GET /account/{accountId}/call-log-sync
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/call-log
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/call-log/{callRecordId}
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/call-log-sync
GET /account/accountId/active-calls
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/active-calls