API Changelog for February 2020 (v.1.0.42)

Last updated: 2021-08-10Contributors
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Call Control

⭐ Call Monitoring: Party Supervise
New Methods
⭐️ POST /account/{accountId}/telephony/sessions/{sessionId}/parties/{partyId}/supervise

Call Session Status
  • new 'parties.accountId' and 'parties.extensionId' attributes supported.
  • existing 'parties.owner.accountId' and 'parties.owner.extensionId' are deprecated
Changed Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/telephony/sessions/{sessionId}
GET /account/{accountId}/telephony/sessions/{sessionId}/parties/{partyId}



  • increased limit
Changed Methods
POST /glip/chats/chatId/notes
PATCH /glip/chats/chatId/notes/{noteId}

Glip Compliance Exports

  • 'Expired' status supported
  • 'Canceled' status change
Changed Methods
GET /glip/data-export
GET /glip/data-export/{taskId}

Call Management

Call Routing

Sites supported for IVR Menus
  • 'site' is supported in IVR Menus APIs
Changed Methods
POST account/{accountId}/ivr-menus
PUT account/{accountId}/ivr-menus/{ivrMenuId}
GET account/{accountId}/ivr-menus/{ivrMenuId}


Meeting Configuration

Meeting Features
New Methods
⭐️ GET /account/{accountId}/meeting-features

Meeting Management

  • new meetingType attribute supported for recurrent meetings.
Changed Methods
POST /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId/meeting
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId/meeting
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId/meeting/{meetingId}
PUT /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId/meeting/{meetingId}
  • new 'autoRecordType' supported
Changed Methods
POST /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId/meeting


  • 🔧 OAU-164 - new error code for invalid client app is used for token revocation case
  • 🔧 OAU-165 - new error code for sandbox client app is not allowed case


Custom Fields
New Methods
⭐️ POST /account/{accountId}/custom-fields
⭐️ GET /account/{accountId}/custom-fields
⭐️ PUT /account/{accountId}/custom-fields/{fieldId}
⭐️ DELETE /account/{accountId}/custom-fields/{fieldId}


Room Connector
  • new feature flag EditRoomConnector supported.
Changed Methods
GET account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/features
Account Limits and Federation Flag
  • new feature flag FederatedAccount supported
  • new feature params FreeSoftPhones: limitMax, InternalCalling: extensionNumberLengthMax, SiteCodes: siteCodeLength, SiteCodes: shortExtensionNumberLength supported.
Changed Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/features
Emergency Locations
  • new feature flags ReadEmergencyLocations, EditEmergencyLocations, ReadExtensionEmergencyLocations supported

Phone Numbers

⚠ Toll Free SMS Sender Phone Number Feature Removal
  • TollFreeSmsSender value not supported anymore for features attribute.
Changed Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/phone-number

User Permissions

Emergency Locations
  • new permissions ReadEmergencyLocations, EditEmergencyLocations supported

User Settings

Custom Fields
  • new attribute customFields.id supported.
  • new attribute customFields.value supported.
Changed Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}
PUT /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}


Automatic Location Updates

Emergency Locations change
  • User emergency location list supported
  • Emergency Response Locations changes
  • validateOnly query parameter supported
New Methods
GET /account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/emergency-locations
Changed Methods
GET /account/~/emergency-locations
POST /account/~/emergency-locations
GET /account/~/emergency-locations/{locationId}
DELETE /account/~/emergency-locations/{locationId}


Emergency Locations changes
  • emergency supported
Changed Methods
GET /account/~/device/{deviceId}
PUT /account/~/device/{deviceId}
GET /account/~/extension/{extensionId}/device
Custom Fields
  • new attribute customFields.id supported.
  • new attribute customFields.value supported.
Changed Methods
POST /account/{accountId}/extension

Events & Notifications

Notification Types

  • new "VideoConfiguration" hint supported
Changed Event Filters
Presence Notifications for Not Activated Users
  • Added ability to monitor presence of non-activated Users.
Changed Event Filters
Queue Calls Display Info in Presence API
  • callInfo attribute added to notification payload.
Changed Event Filters

Support "missedCall" query parameter for telephony/sessions subscriptions
  • Ability to subscribe on Telephony Sessions notifications where "missedCall" flag is explicitly set to "true".
Changed Event Filters


Application Settings

🔒 Custom Data value limit increased
  • valueattribute limit increased to 2048 bytes
  • expiresIn attribute supported
Changed Methods
️ 🔒 PUT /client-info/custom-data/key
️ 🔒 GET /client-info/custom-data/key