Post events for Team Messaging

Last updated: 2024-01-31Contributors
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Post events are triggered within the context of team messaging whenever some facet of a post is affected. There are three types of post events:

  • Post created
  • Post removed
  • Post changed

Each event type has a unique payload and structure depending upon the event type. The structure of a post event is documented within the API Reference, but a few examples are shown below.

When subscribing to post events you will need to specify the following event filter:

  • /team-messaging/v1/posts

Once a subscription has been setup, your application will begin receiving events at the designated URL.

How should bots handles post events?

Handling post added events

When you receive a PostAdded event, here are some tips to help you when creating a bot designed to respond to post events.

  • The value of Verification-Token header should be verified

  • Messages where the body.eventType is not equal to "PostAdded" should be ignored so that your bot does not reply to post changed events accidentally.

  • The ownerId property from the event payload should be used to match the owner_id stored with the access token to select proper token to reply

  • Use the body.groupId property from event's payload can be used to direct your response to the proper chat.

  • The body.text property contains the text your bot will need to process

  • Finally, every bot has a unique id. The body.creatorId property should be compared to the bot's id to prevent the bot from replying to its own messages.

Replying to a post added event

Bots can post a message in response to a PostAdded event simply by calling the Team Messaging Post API. For example:

POST /team-messaging/v1/groups/<groupId>/posts
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

  "text" : "Hello from Lex bot!"

Example events

Post added event

Event is emitted when new post is created.

  "eventType": "PostAdded",
  "id": "637468356",
  "type": "TextMessage",
  "text": "Hi there!",
  "creatorId": "5574664564",
  "groupId": "456775",
  "creationTime": "2017-02-05T12:00:00Z",
  "lastModifiedTime": "2017-02-05T12:00:00Z",
  "addedPersonIds": null,
  "attachments": [],
  "activity": null,
  "title": null,
  "iconUri": null,
  "iconEmoji": null,
  "mentions": null

Post removed event

Event is emitted when new post is removed.

  "eventType": "PostRemoved",
  "id": "637468356",
  "groupId": "456775"

Post changed event

Event is emitted when new post is changed.

  "eventType": "PostChanged",
  "id": "637468356",
  "text": "Hi there!",
  "creatorId": "5574664564",
  "groupId": "456775",
  "creationTime": "2017-02-05T12:00:00Z",
  "lastModifiedTime": "2017-03-05T12:00:00Z",
  "addedPersonIds": null,
  "attachments": [],
  "activity": null,
  "title": null,
  "iconUri": null,
  "iconEmoji": null,
  "mentions": null