RingCentral API Error Codes

Last updated: 2024-01-20Contributors
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The API uses specific error codes to make error processing for client applications more simple and effective. The body of HTTP response should be always logged and analyzed. It is sometimes impossible to understand the reason for the issue by only HTTP status code. Error code from the body should be also taken into consideration.

Client app should rely on errorCcode and, in some cases, on additional fields like parameterName, not on error message because of it can be changed in next versions of the API and localized according to Accept-Language header if the language is supported by RingCentral service. Response body with error message can contain several error messages and has the following structure:

    "errors": [
        "errorCode": "ABC-123",    
        "message": "Error message",
        "additionalInfo": "value",  // additional attribute for this error, e.g "parameterName": "extensionId"
        "errorCode": "XYZ-321",
        "message": "Second error message"

Possible error codes for each API method are listed in method description under Error Codes header.

There is always a possibility that a client application is not able to establish a connection with RingCentral service, including a connection timeout, or an SSL handshake failure. When connection errors are suspected, it is very important not to overwhelm the backend with unnecessary client requests so as not to exascerbate the potential problem. In such a circumstance, client applications should follow an "Exponential Backoff" approach:

The retries exponentially increase the waiting time up to a certain threshold. The idea is that if the server is down temporarily, it is not overwhelmed with requests hitting at the same time when it comes back up.

Following this guideline, the following sequential retry delays are recommended for client applications in case of any connection failures:

  • 2 seconds
  • 3 seconds
  • 5 seconds
  • 8 seconds
  • 13 seconds
  • 21 seconds
  • 30 seconds

Then, keep trying to connect every 30 seconds.

Since the RingCentral API uses OAuth 2.0 for authorization, the server behavior is mostly governed by the OAuth specification (RFC 6749 and RFC 6750).

  • Regardless of the number of threads which send API requests to the server, the application should perform OAuth authentication in a single thread, store and share tokens to be used in all regular API requests. Backend servers enforce some quotas for the number of authorization requests and number of active application sessions. If the quota is exceeded at any given time, the server starts to return HTTP 429 on authorization requests.
  • Application must avoid frequent authentication attempts under the same user credentials. In order to extend session after access token expiration, it has to use token refreshment flow (if allowed)
  • Application should store expires_in and refresh_token_expires_in values along with access/refresh tokens and their issue time. This value is to be used to pre-check if the token is expired or about to expire before sending regular API requests in order to refresh tokens proactively. It is strongly recommended to avoid performing refreshment basing on HTTP 401 errors which are returned by the server.
  • According to OAuth 2.0 standard some logical error codes are returned in error field of the response.

OAuth authorize errors

For 3-legged OAuth flows in some cases HTTP 400 may be returned on /restapi/oauth/authorize call. For example, it can happen when the client provides invalid redirect URI in the request. See RFC 6749 for details.

OAuth token errors

As a general rule, if a request to /restapi/oauth/token API for access token fails client must NOT send other API requests until resolved. It should be properly orchestrated if client uses multiple threads which share the same tokens to send regular API requests.

  • HTTP 400 – do not repeat request; if possible inform the user about failure and prompt for new credentials
  • HTTP 429, HTTP 503 – retry in an indicated interval returned in Retry-After header.
  • HTTP 4xx, HTTP 5xx – do not repeat request, error in client or server code
  • HTTP 400 – use cached credentials (if possible) to re-authenticate, or prompt user for new credentials.
  • HTTP 408, HTTP 500, client timeout – repeat 3 times with 10 seconds intervals, then try re-request tokens using cached credentials (if possible), or prompt user for new credentials (all dependent regular requests should be queued and wait for resolution)

OAuth revoke errors

In case of any error on the request to /restapi/oauth/revoke API client should just ignore it and do not retry.

HTTP Status Code(s) Error Code Message
403 OAU-101 Parameter [brandId] is invalid
403 OAU-102 Unable to issue authorization code
403 OAU-105 Login for ${extensionType} extension is not allowed.
403 OAU-106 Invalid authorization code
403 OAU-108 Authorization code is expired
403 OAU-109 Redirect URIs do not match
403 OAU-110 Authorization code was not issued for this application
400 OAU-111 Request parameter duplication detected
403 OAU-112 The client is unauthorized for the required grant type: [${grant_type}]
403 OAU-113 No redirect uri is registered for the client
403 OAU-116 Invalid authorization method
403 OAU-117 The scope of requesting application cannot be narrower than the target application
403 OAU-119 International Virtual number cannot be used to login
401 OAU-120 Wrong Application ID
401 OAU-121 Wrong Application
401 OAU-123 Invalid Authorization header value: ${parameter}
401 OAU-125 Grant type is not allowed for application.
401 OAU-127 Invalid application release.
401 OAU-128 Access token expired.
401 OAU-129 Access token corrupted.
401 OAU-134 Invalid Authorization header.
401 OAU-136 Extension not found.
401 OAU-140 Invalid resource owner credentials.
401 OAU-141 Login for extension in current state is not allowed.
401 OAU-142 Login to account in current state is not allowed.
401 OAU-146 Invalid client credentials
400 OAU-147 The account is locked out due to multiple unsuccessful logon attempts.
400 OAU-148 The account is locked out due to multiple unsuccessful logon attempts. Please use Single Sign-on way to authenticate.
401 OAU-149 Unparsable access token
400 OAU-150 The value of query parameter [${queryParameterName}] should be equal to parameter [${requestParameterName}] in request body
401 OAU-151 Authorization method not supported
401 OAU-168 Password grant is not allowed because MFA is required.
HTTP Status Code(s) Error Code Message
429 CMN-301 Request rate exceeded
429 CMN-302 Unknown application. Rate limits undefined
429 CMN-303 Can not resolve API plan. Rate limits undefined
HTTP Status Code(s) Error Code Message
403 SUB-402 Presence feature is disabled for this extension type (${param} / ${url})
403 SUB-403 User disallowed to monitor his presence
403 SUB-404 User disallowed this subscriber to pick up calls
403 SUB-405 Not allowed subscribe for messages to other extensions
403 SUB-406 Not allowed subscribe for events to extensions of other account
403 SUB-407 Not allowed subscribe for APNS if endpoint_id not defined
403 SUB-408 Not allowed subscribe for unknown user
403 SUB-505 Subscriptions limit exceeded
404 SUB-507 Subscription with key [${subscriptionKey}] and assigned session [${session}] was expired
400 SUB-508 Invalid event filters: [${filters}]
400 SUB-509 findSubscription only works with PubNub transport type
405 SUB-511 Action not allowed for APNS subscription

Gateway and general error codes

HTTP Status Code(s) Error Code Message
400, 403 CMN-101 Parameter [${parameterName}] value is invalid.
400, 404 CMN-102 Resource for parameter [${parameterName}] is not found
400 CMN-103 JSON can't be parsed.
400 CMN-104 Cannot parse request
400 CMN-105 URL should not contain query string when method is [${method}] and content type is [${contentType}]
400 CMN-106 Batch request is limited to ${limit} entries
416 CMN-107 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
400 CMN-108 Parameter ${parameterName} value in request body doesn't match specified in path.
403 CMN-109 Feature not available.
400 CMN-110 Header ${header} should be specified.
404 CMN-120 Invalid URI
500 CMN-201 Service Temporary Unavailable
501 CMN-202 Operation is not supported
500 CMN-203 Internal Server Error
403 CMN-401 Specific application permission required
403 CMN-402 Administrator permission required
403 CMN-403 The feature is not available for this extension type
403 CMN-404 Attempt to access another extension
401 CMN-405 Login to extension required.
400.403 CMN-406 Duplicate value for parameter ${parameterName}: ${parameterValue} found in request
400 CMN-407 Parameter in header is invalid
4003 CMN-408 [{permissionName}] permission required
400 CLG-101 Parameter [syncToken] is invalid [Sync token expired, call log was reset]
400 CLG-102 Parameter [syncToken] is invalid [Sync token expired, call log was reset]
400 CLG-103 Parameter [syncToken] is invalid [Sync token expired, call log was reset]
400 CLG-104 Parameter [syncToken] is invalid [Sync token expired, call log was reset]
400 CLG-105 Parameter [syncToken] is invalid [Sync token expired, call log was reset]
400 CLG-110 Parameter [sessionId] is not allowed for usage along with parameter [${parameterName}]

Application-specific error codes

HTTP Status Code(s) Error Code Message
403 MSG-240 Specified recipient [${toPhoneNumber}] isn't an US phone number
403 MSG-241 Cannot send SMS from Fax number
403 MSG-242 Sending SMS is not available from the number specified.
400 MSG-243 Phone number is blocked
400 MSG-245 Cannot find the phone number which belongs to user
503 MSG-290 Sending SMS to ${toPhoneNumber} failed. Please try later.
403 MSG-304 Phone number doesn't belong to extension
429 MSG-305 Request rate exceeded
403 MSG-309 Cannot receive SMS on Fax number
400 MSG-310 Phone number is not assigned
403 MSG-314 Extension is of inappropriate type
400 MSG-316 No department members found.
400 MSG-324 Recipient extension is in inappropriate state
403 MSG-325 Reply is forbidden for old message threads
403 MSG-326 Reply is denied for user, who is no longer a thread participant
403 MSG-330 Sending from department message is not supported.
400 MSG-331 Sender extension number does not correspond to logged in extension
400 MSG-333 Invalid message synchronisation request: full synchronization is required
400 MSG-337 Attachment size limit exceeded
400 MSG-338 Message size limit exceeded
403 MSG-340 Outbound fax is not available for extension type [${type}]
403 MSG-341 Outbound fax is not allowed for extension [${extensionId}]
406 MSG-343 Fax resend is not allowed for message in current state
400 MSG-347 Attachment body is empty
415 MSG-348 Unsupported attachment media type
400 MSG-349 Unable to parse fax envelope
400 MSG-350 No content disposition
400 MSG-351 No file name in content disposition
500 MSG-352 Message content is null