User Feature Flags

Last updated: 2020-03-27Contributors
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RingCentral provides developers the ability to view Feature set information about user extensions. Feature flags define the capabilities and features within RingCentral which an extension may execute. This data concerning Feature availability is presented heuristically as Feature Flags data to developer applications and integrations providing useful context as it relates to a user/extension.

Feature flags can be used in a variety of use cases, the most common being:

  • Security - Be certain that a principal currently has been granted the necessary permission prior to enabling access to that feature
  • User Experience - Invalidating the permissions currently granted a principal prior to making a permission-dependent feature available from within your application or integration
  • Risk and Loss Prevention - Ensuring you are not exposing risk or loss to your application/integration users and their organizations

We recommended to developers to validate user actions against the feature flags of the corresponding user's extension, and not against the role(s) assigned to that user/extension as permissions assigned to a role can modify over time.

How are features and capabilities calculated?

A set of feature flags contains the list of permissions and abilities granted to a user, or "extension." These permissions are granted via a number of different means including:

  • The features that come your with service plan
  • The specific configuration of your account
  • The licenses assigned to your account by a RingCentral Account Administrators
  • Role assignments made explicitly by your RingCentral Account Administrators
  • Role assignments made implicitly by RingCentral as it applies to Account Administrator actions for Roles and Permissions.

These permissions, or feature flags indicate the access control policy calculated for the currently authenticated user. This data (in whole or in part) is calculated by RingCentral every time permission verification is invalidated for a principal (user or extension) during each request. The set of features assigned to a user can be retrieved via the Feature API.

How to use the Feature API to check permissions

Use the Feature API to fetch an aggregated list of permissions and abilities a user is allowed to perform. Below is a simple request and response showing how this can be done.

Sample Request

GET /restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/features
Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Language: en-US
  "records": [  
          "id": "FaxReceiving",
          "available": true
          "id": "FaxSending",
          "available": true
          "id": "EditFaxSettings",
          "available": true
        }, ...

What not to use feature flags for...

It is also important to understand anti-patterns of Feature Availability, these are ways developers should not use this resource.

  • Role Assumption - Developers should never ever assume that because a principal has a specific Role that principal will have an associated permission which is generally available

  • Session Permission Caching - Never store or cache permissions for a given principal for use during an entire session, as permissions may be revoked at any time

Keep in Mind

  • Feature sets (fully or partially) are built every time RingCentral verifies if a certain permission is granted to the authenticated user.
  • Feature set data is part of the Extension API resource. Each extension in your RingCentral account will have a feature set associate with it.
  • Feature set data is only accessible at the Extension Level and not at the Account Level. For Account data, please see view the RingCentral API Account Resource Reference.