High Volume SMS Event Notifications
Push notifications can be used at various levels to stay updated on everything going on with your high volume SMS, from a High Volume SMS batch to an individual message level.
The following push notifications are available.
- Message batch events: Provides updates on the individual batch status
- Inbound message events: Provides updates on an incoming message to a number
- Outbound message events: Provides updates on the delivery status of outbound messages
- Opt-out events: Provides updates to track customers who opted out
Message Batch Events
Batch level push notifications provide updates on batch status. A batch could have two states "Processing" and "Completed". The following event filters are supported
Event Filter | Description |
/restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/batches   |
 Notification for any batch status changes on that account |
/restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/batches?from={e164PhoneNumber} |
Notification on batches from a specific From number in E.164 format, e.g. +16505550100 |
Inbound Message Events
Notify incoming messages on a phone number. The following event filters are supported.
Event Filter | Description |
/restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Inbound   |
 Notification on inbound messages to current account |
/restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Inbound&to={e164PhoneNumber} |
Notification on inbound messages to a given phone number. |
Outbound Message Events
Notify the delivery status of outbound messages. The following event filters are supported.
Event Filter | Description |
/restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Outbound   |
 All outbound messages in an account |
/restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/messages?direction=Outbound&from={e164PhoneNumber} |
Notification on Outbound Messages from a specific phone number in E.164 format, e.g. +16505550100 |
Opt-Out Events
Opt-out events are sent when a user connects to RingCentral's opt out service using standard keywords including stop
, start
, etc.
Event Filter | Description |
/restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/opt-outs   |
 All opt-outs and opt-ins for a given account |
/restapi/v1.0/account/~/a2p-sms/opt-outs?from={e164PhoneNumber} |
Notification on opt-outs and opt-ins from a specific From number in E.164 format, e.g. +16505550100 |
Example Opt-Out Event
An opt-out event is sent when a user texts stop
to one of your High Volume SMS numbers.
You will receive an event like the following which indicates that the Opt-Out service is active
for sending messages from
a number to
a number.
Example Opt-In Event
An opt-in event is sent when a user texts start
to one of your High Volume SMS numbers.
You will receive an event like the following which indicates that the Opt-Out service is not active
for sending messages from
a number to
a number.