API Changelog for Mar 2022 (v.1.0.50)

Last updated: 2022-03-31Contributors
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Call Control

  • Hold Call Party API now supports BroadSoft extension, so Hold via endpoint might be taken off (Unhold) via API and vise versa
Changed Methods
POST /account/{accountId}/{telephony/sessions}/{telephonySessionId/parties/{partyId}/hold
POST /account/{accountId}/{telephony/sessions}/{telephonySessionId/parties/{partyId}/unhold


Line of Business Analytics APIs

Changed Methods
POST /analytics/phone/performance/v1/accounts/~/calls/aggregate
POST /analytics/phone/performance/v1/accounts/~/calls/timeline?interval={Duration}
  • setup as a new parameter for additionalFilters for both Aggreagate and Timeline API endpoints. setup is when the phone system is connecting to callee's device. This is when caller is calling via RingCentral App and system says "Please wait while I try to connect you" before the beeps starts.

  • Time Range is now updated. Previously, the minimum allowed timeFrom value was calculated by subtracting 6 calendar months from the current datetime. Now the limit is set at exactly 184 days from the current datetime, making the validation explicit and independent of timezone differences.

  • Aggregation formula changed for Percent aggregation type in the Aggregate API. Previously, values for Percent aggregation type were calculated by either dividing instances value of the counter by the all calls counter value or dividing sum of the seconds value of the timer by the all calls duration timer value. Now the formula depends on the meaning of the counter/timer. All of the following are applicable for both timers and counters, except for actions, as there is no timer for them.

Counter/timer name Value name New denominator
origin all values all calls (unchanged)
direction all values all calls (unchanged)
type all values all calls (unchanged)
company hours all values all calls (unchanged)
queue sla all values all calls (unchanged)
response answered inbound
response not answered inbound
response connected outbound
response not connected outbound
actions all values answered
result completed answered
result the rest values not answered
segments voicemail not answered
segments vm greetings not answered
segments the rest values answered

Audit Trail

  • New API for searching Audit Trail records is available as Beta
New Methods
⭐️ POST /account/{accountId}/audit-trail/search


Delegated Line groups

New APIs for managing Delegated Line Groups (aka BCA) is available as Beta

New Methods
⭐️ GET /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/delegated-lines-groups/{groupId}
⭐️ PUT /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/delegated-lines-groups/{groupId}
⭐️ DELETE/restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/delegated-lines-groups/{groupId}
⭐️ GET /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/delegated-lines-groups
⭐️ POST /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/delegated-lines-groups