REST API Pagination in Team Messaging

Last updated: 2024-02-08Contributors
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If when calling the team messaging API to fetch a list of items, two elements are always returned:

  • The records element is an array of items to be iterated over.
  • The navigation element contains page tokens to assist developers in iterating forward and backward through the total record set.

When more records exist than could be returned in a single response, the system will return page tokens in the navigation element. These page tokens can be presented in subsequent requests to fetch the corresponding set of records in the result set.

"navigation": {
    "nextPageToken": "RTdv9AAAA.xxxxx",
    "prevPageToken": "H4sIAAAAA.xxxxx"

If the result set has been filtered in some way by a query parameter, it is not necessary to pass those parameters again. The page tokens are in that way stateful in that they not only act like a cursor pointing at your current location in the result set, but also the parameters used that produced that result set in the first place.

Pagination query parameters

When making a call to a team messaging REST API that returns a list, the following query parameters can be used.

Parameter Description
recordCount The number of records to return in the result set. The default is 30. The maximum value is 250.
pageToken The page to return. This is the value of either nextPageToken or prevPageToken returned in the navigation element.


See the code sample in the Listing Team section to learn how to use the pageToken to navigate a long list of teams.