Voicemail Message Event

Last updated: 2023-11-07Contributors
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The voicemail message event is triggered when an extension receives a new voicemail message.

  • Filter: /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/voicemail
  • Required permission: ReadMessages
  • Available since: 1.0.36 (Release 10.2)

Event payload

Parameter Type Description
id string Internal identifier of a message
to Collection of Recipient Info Message receiver(s) information
from Sender Info Message sender information
type string Type of a message. The value is 'Voicemail'
creationTime date-time Message creation datetime in ISO 8601 format including timezone, for example 2016-03-10T18:07:52.534Z
lastModifiedTime date-time Datetime when the message was modified in ISO 8601 format including timezone, for example 2016-03-10T18:07:52.534Z
readStatus string Status of a message. The default value is 'Unread'
priority string The default value is 'Normal'
attachments Collection of Instant Message Attachment Info Message attachment data
direction string Message direction. The default value is 'Inbound'
availability string Message availability status. The default value is 'Alive'
subject string Message subject. It replicates message text which is also returned as an attachment
messageStatus string Status of a message. The default value is 'Received'
conversationId string Internal identifier of a conversation this message belongs to
vmTranscriptionStatus string Specifies if a voicemail message transcription is already completed or not

Recipient Info

Parameter Type Description
phoneNumber string Phone number in E.164 (with '+' sign) format
extensionNumber string Extension number
target boolean 'True' specifies that message is sent exactly to this recipient. Returned in to field for group MMS. Useful if one extension has several phone numbers
location string Contains party location (city, state), if any
name string Symbolic name associated with a caller/callee

Sender Info

Parameter Type Description
phoneNumber string Phone number in E.164 (with '+' sign) format
extensionNumber string Extension number
location string Contains party location (city, state), if any
name string Symbolic name associated with a caller/callee

Voicemail Message Attachment Info

Parameter Type Description
id string Internal identifier of a message attachment
uri string Link to an attachment resource
size integer Attachment size in bytes
type 'AudioRecording' or 'AudioTranscription' Type of a message attachment
contentType string Content type of an attachment, see also MIME Types
vmDuration integer Duration of a voicemail in seconds


  "uuid": "ed1cf00c-0420-4bf5-a0ae-e659bb9f77e0",
  "event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/823476228762/voicemail",
  "subscriptionId": "dc853541-66ac-45d8-a289-1a239fd72888",
  "ownerId": "823476228762",
  "timestamp": "2018-02-28T10:06:15.000Z",
  "body": {
    "id": "82063400004",
    "to": [{
      "name": "John Doe"
    "from": {
      "phoneNumber": "+18664320079",
      "name": "Jane Doe"
    "type": "VoiceMail",
    "creationTime": "2018-02-28T10:05:55.000Z",
    "readStatus": "Unread",
    "priority": "Normal",
    "attachments": [{
      "id": "82063400004",
      "uri": "https://platform.ringcentral.com/restapi/v1.0/account/14833636004/extension/14833636004/message-store/82063400004/content/82063400004",
      "type": "AudioRecording",
      "contentType": "audio/x-wav",
      "vmDuration": 3
    "direction": "Inbound",
    "availability": "Alive",
    "messageStatus": "Received",
    "lastModifiedTime": "2018-02-28T10:06:05.000Z",
    "vmTranscriptionStatus": "Completed"