Message Batch Event

Last updated: 2023-11-07Contributors
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Since 1.0.45 (Release 20.4)

Event filter /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/a2p-sms/batches enables notifications in case of any message batch change on the current account.

Required Permissions

Permission Description
ReadAccounts Viewing user account info (including name, business name, address and phone number/account number)

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
from string Notification is received if the message batch is sent from a specific number in E.164 format, e.g. +16505550100

Event payload

Parameter Type Description
id string Unique identifier of the message batch
from string Phone number in E.164 format from which the messages are going to be sent
batchSize integer Total number of messages in the accepted batch
processedCount integer Total number of messages currently processed in the batch
lastModifiedTime string Last time the batch was processed
status 'Processing' or 'Completed' Current status of a message batch
creationTime string The time at which the batch was created


  "uuid": "845056649859290279",
  "event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/405151939033/a2p-sms/batches",
  "subscriptionId": "8466621d-c21d-41e6-8656-9e45100eb9dd",
  "ownerId": "405151939033",
  "timestamp": "2021-05-26T04:15:54.394Z",
  "body": {
    "lastModifiedTime": "2021-05-26T04:15:54.011183Z",
    "cost": 0.07,
    "processedCount": 1,
    "creationTime": "2021-05-26T04:15:50.612950Z",
    "from": "+14089150788",
    "id": "b6f5610f-5ff1-4273-8a8d-e3742ba4e683",
    "batchSize": 1,
    "status": "Completed"