RingSense for Sales AI Event

Last updated: 2024-09-27Contributors
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This event is triggered whenever a new voice call analysis is completed by RingSense for Sales.

  • Filter: /ai/ringsense/v1/public/accounts/~/domains/pbx/insights
  • Required app scope: RingSense
  • Required user permission: ReadCompanyCallRecording

Event payload

Parameter Type Description
title string For voice calls, the system uses the the caller and callee name to compose the title.
domains String Name of the communication method. Currently only for voice calls ('pbx') are supported.
sourceRecordId String The value is the call recording ID (can be retrieved from the call log).
sourceSessionId String The value is the call telephony session id.
callDirection String For voice calls only. The value is either Inbound or Outbound.
ownerExtensionId String The extension ID of the user who holds the RingSense for Sales license.
recordingDurationMs Integer The length of the voice call recording.
recordingStartTime String The date and time when the recording started.
creationTime String The date and time when the conversational insights are created.
lastModifiedTime String The date and time when the conversational insights are last modified.
speakerInfo List Contains identified call participant objects.
insights JSON object Contains call conversational insights data objects.


    "title": "Call from John Smith to Tracy Debolah",
    "domain": "pbx",
    "sourceSessionId": "s-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000",
    "sourceRecordId": "2728084995017",
    "callDirection": "Outbound",
    "ownerExtensionId": "6228832XXXX",
    "recordingDurationMs": 125963,
    "recordingStartTime": "2024-09-04T20:44:16.390Z",
    "creationTime": "2024-09-04T21:15:43.597Z",
    "lastModifiedTime": "2024-09-04T21:15:43.591Z",
    "speakerInfo": [
        "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1",
        "name": "John Smith",
        "accountId": "809646XXX",
        "extensionId": "6228832XXXX"
        "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-2",
        "name": "Tracy Debolah",
        "accountId": null,
        "extensionId": null
    "insights": {
      "Transcript": [
          "end": 14.52,
          "text": "Okay, I record this meeting so we will have the RingSense meeting insights.",
          "start": 2.2,
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1"
          "end": 40.44,
          "text": "And I have some action items for myself.",
          "start": 36.6,
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1"
          "end": 46.12,
          "text": "As I have to complete the test.",
          "start": 42.52,
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1"
          "end": 125.88,
          "text": "Goodbye.",
          "start": 125.4,
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1"
      "Summary": [
          "start": 0,
          "end": 1,
          "value": "The call is about discussing the tasks and timeline for completing a project."
      "NextSteps": [
          "start": 42.52,
          "end": 53.32,
          "value": "Complete the test with own code for the API.",
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1"
          "start": 56.04,
          "end": 64.92,
          "value": "Write a developer guide for the API.",
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-2"
          "start": 82.92,
          "end": 99.56,
          "value": "Publish the developer guide after review and editing.",
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1"

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