RingSense for Sales

Last updated: 2024-09-27Contributors
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RingSense for Sales API is in beta

The RingSense for Sales API is currently in beta. Developers should be aware of the following:

  • Their feature sets are not reflective of the full scope currently planned.
  • Backwards compatibility is not guaranteed from one release to the next during the beta period. Changes can be introduced at any time that may impact your applications with little notice.

RingCentral RingSense for Sales transcribes your voice calls and provides in-depth conversational insights, offering detailed analytics derived from post-call analysis of recorded sessions. Based on the richness of the conversation content, the insights may include the following:

  • Transcript - Transcription objects with identified speakers and the timestamps of their utterances.
  • Summary - Summary objects with AI-generated summary paragraphs and the timestamps of the conversations.
  • HighLights - Highlight objects contain speaker utterances that capture key points, valuable insights, and notable moments for quick review and analysis.
  • NextSteps - Next steps objects contain AI-generated action items for the call participants.


  • A RingSense for Sales license must be purchased and assigned to a user extension.
  • The license is transferable from one user extension to another user extension.
  • RingSense for Sales data Retention is defined in your RingSense settings. By default the data is retained for 1 year.

To learn more about RingSense for Sales and how to enable the service for a RingCentral RingEX account, please refer to this online article.

RingSense for Sales API

The RingSense for Sales API allows you to programmatically access RingSense for Sales data from your account.


  • Currently the API does not support video meeting recordings.

The API functions at the account level and requires the "ReadCompanyCallRecording" user permission. This means that any user extension with this permission can access RingSense for Sales data for any user holding a RingSense for Sales license.

There are two methods to access RingSense for Sales data: through push notifications (recommended method) or via a REST API call.

RingSense for Sales event notification

You can get notified when a new voice call recording analysis is completed via RingCentral push notification service. The RingSense for Sales data is included in the event payload together with the event metadata.

To get RingSense for Sales event notification for voice call recordings, subscribe for this event:


Remember, the notification events are triggered only if a voice call was recorded by users who hold a RingSense for Sales license.

Read RingSense for Sales data

You can read the RingSense for Sales data of a voice call recording if you know the sourceRecordId. The sourceRecordId value of a recording is included in the RingSense for Sales event payload.


  • The sourceRecordId of a voice call recording is the recording ID of a recorded call. You can get the recording ID of a call from the call log data.

Example of API Response

    "title": "Call from John Smith to Tracy Debolah",
    "domain": "pbx",
    "sourceSessionId": "s-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000",
    "sourceRecordId": "2728084995017",
    "callDirection": "Outbound",
    "ownerExtensionId": "6228832XXXX",
    "recordingDurationMs": 125963,
    "recordingStartTime": "2024-09-04T20:44:16.390Z",
    "creationTime": "2024-09-04T21:15:43.597Z",
    "lastModifiedTime": "2024-09-04T21:15:43.591Z",
    "speakerInfo": [
        "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1",
        "name": "John Smith",
        "accountId": "809646XXX",
        "extensionId": "6228832XXXX"
        "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-2",
        "name": "Tracy Debolah",
        "accountId": null,
        "extensionId": null
    "insights": {
      "Transcript": [
          "end": 14.52,
          "text": "Okay, I record this meeting so we will have the RingSense meeting insights.",
          "start": 2.2,
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1"
          "end": 40.44,
          "text": "And I have some action items for myself.",
          "start": 36.6,
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1"
          "end": 46.12,
          "text": "As I have to complete the test.",
          "start": 42.52,
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1"
          "end": 125.88,
          "text": "Goodbye.",
          "start": 125.4,
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1"
      "Summary": [
          "start": 0,
          "end": 1,
          "value": "The call is about discussing the tasks and timeline for completing a project."
      "NextSteps": [
          "start": 42.52,
          "end": 53.32,
          "value": "Complete the test with own code for the API.",
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1"
          "start": 56.04,
          "end": 64.92,
          "value": "Write a developer guide for the API.",
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-2"
          "start": 82.92,
          "end": 99.56,
          "value": "Publish the developer guide after review and editing.",
          "speakerId": "p-a0e7b361acc0az191bec7e275z7cae070000-1"
Parameter Type Description
title string For voice calls, the system uses the the caller and callee name to compose the title.
domains String Name of the communication method. Currently only for voice calls ('pbx') are supported.
sourceRecordId String The value is the call recording ID (can be retrieved from the call log).
sourceSessionId String The value is the call telephony session id.
callDirection String For voice calls only. The value is either Inbound or Outbound.
ownerExtensionId String The extension ID of the user who holds the RingSense for Sales license.
recordingDurationMs Integer The length of the voice call recording.
recordingStartTime String The date and time when the recording started.
creationTime String The date and time when the conversational insights are created.
lastModifiedTime String The date and time when the conversational insights are last modified.
speakerInfo List Contains identified call participant objects.
insights JSON object Contains call conversational insights data objects.


The speakerInfo is a list of objects, with each object contains the following key/value pairs:

Parameter Type Description
speakerId String System given speaker identifier. For voice calls, the ID is the call party ID assigned by the telephony system.
name String The name of a participant. If the speaker is an agent (a user under the account), the name is the full name of the user extension. If the speaker is a call party outside of the account, the name is the specified name of the contact associated with the agent company or personal contacts.
accountId String The ID of the RingCentral account. If the speaker is a call party outside of the account, this value is null.
extensionId String The ID of the user extension. If the speaker is a call party outside of the account, this value is null.


The insights is an object that may contain the following objects:

Parameter Type Description
Transcript List A list of JSON objects. Each object contains transcribed texts and related metadata.
Summary List A list of JSON objects. Each object contains the summary value and related metadata.
HighLights List A list of JSON objects. Each object contains the highlight value and related metadata.
NextSteps List A list of JSON objects. Each object contains the next step value and related metadata.

When processing the insights objects—such as reconstructing conversations using the utterances in the Transcript objects, you can match the speaker ID from a transcript object with the corresponding speaker ID in the speakerInfo object. This allows you to display the speaker's name (if available) alongside the utterance text.