Event Types

Last updated: 2024-05-27Contributors
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This document outlines the specific events one can subscribe to via a webhook.

Events are usually are composed of two parts: the event resource, and the event action. The "event resource" represents the kind of object that generated the event, while the "event action" represents the event's trigger. For example, for the event type intervention.assigned the event type is intervention and the event action is assigned.

Event Anatomy

Each event consists of three top-level elements. They are:

Property Value Description
id String Unique request identifier. This can be used to detect duplicated request, for example in case of failure.
domain_id String Unique domain identifier.
events Array of ​Event object An array of generated events.

You can see this structure in the following sample event notification triggered upon an assignation on an intervention:


Every webhook can contain multiple events. Each event then conforms to the following structure:

Property Value Description
type String The type of the event. Events MUST define this property. See "Event definition" below.
id String Unique event identifier. Events MUST define this property. This can be used to detect duplicate events in case of multiple send.
resource Resource Object It gives the resource of the event. Events MUST define this property.
issued_at RFC-3339 date-time The date and time at which the event happened. Events MUST define this property. This can be used to order the events client-side.
user_id String Unique user identifier. Will only appear for event triggered by an agent.
action String task.completed only, specifies the action leading to task completion, can be “deferred” or “closed”

Resource object

Each event is triggered by changes to a resource, e.g. a resource is created, updated, deleted, etc. That resource is described in a standard way, following the structure below:

Property Value Description
type String Type of resource. Resources MUST define this property. This gives information about the type of resource that must be queried from the API
id Integer Unique resource identifier. Resources MUST define this property.
metadata Metadata Object A resource MAY define some metadatas. The metadatas are additionals informations supplied to help by avoiding making extra queries to get them.

Available Events

The events are sorted by resource, the resource can be:


Resource Types

Type Description
intervention.assigned When an agent is assigned to an intervention
intervention.canceled When an agent cancels an intervention
intervention.closed When an agent marks the intervention as closed
intervention.deferred When an intervention is deferred for a period of time (the `intervention will be reactivated later)
intervention.opened When an intervention is started by engaging a customer
intervention.reopened When an intervention is reopened (by receiving a new message from the identity or manually by an agent, api ...)
intervention.custom_fields_updated When custom fields of an intervention are updated
intervention.user_updated When the agent of an intervention is changed (re-assigned)
intervention.reactivated When an intervention deferred time is finished
intervention.recategorized When categories on an intervention are changed


Property Value Description
source_id String Unique identifier for the source (facebook, email...)
thread_id String Unique identifier for the thread
user_id String Unique identifier for the agent of an intervention
identity_id String Unique identifier for the identity which created the content
category_ids Array Array of unique identifier by categories
closed_at String The date when the intervention was closed
deferred_at String The date when the intervention was deferred
custom_field_values Custom field Object It gives the custom fields linked to the object


Resource Types

Type Description
task.assigned When a new task is assigned to one or several agents
task.completed When an agent marks a task as completed
task.created When a task is created
task.destroyed When contents are ignored or interventions are deferred or closed in folders view, related tasks are destroyed.
task.expired_from_step When a task couldn't be delivered to any of the assigned agents for longer than the timeout defined for the topology step. It then continue to the next step.
task.expired_from_workbin When a task was abandoned by an agent in his workbin automatically taken back by RingCX Digital to be routed to other agents.
task.recategorized When a content is recategorized, the task associated to this content gets the same categories.
task.resume When an agent resumes handling of a task from his history or deferred tasks
task.supervisor_assigned When a task is assigned to an agent by a supervisor and the option “Bypass queue and assign to agent” has been checked
task.taken When an agent accepts a ringing task
task.transferred When an agent or an administrator transfers a task to another agent
task.undelivered When a task is moved into the undelivered queue


Property Value Description
created_at date-time The date and time at which the task was created
channel_id String Unique identifier for the channel
source_id String Unique identifier for the source associated to the task's content
priority Float Priority of the task
content_id String Unique identifier for the content linked to the task
intervention_id String Unique identifier for the intervention linked to the task
agent_ids Array Array of unique identifier of agents assigned to the task
identity_id String Unique identifier of the content's author identity
action String task.completed only, specifies the action leading to task completion, can be “deferred” or “closed”
queue String Task’s current workbin
thread_id String Unique identifier for the thread linked to the task
type String task.taken only, specifies if the agent requested a task or took a ringing one. Can be “ring” or “request”
language String Language of the task's content
segment_index Integer Number starting at 1 and incremented each time a task is closed, defered or moved to another agent's workbin.

Push Agents

Resource Types

Type Description
push_agent.accept_task When an agent accepts a ringing task
push_agent.availability_change When an agent's status changes
push_agent.busyness_change When an agent’s busyness changes (according to the number of tasks in their workbin)
push_agent.connected When an agent arrives on the push view
push_agent.disconnected When an agent leaves the push view
push_agent.reconnected When an agent reconnects after a network issue
push_agent.request_task When an agent is busy but hasn’t reached the hard capability and requests an additional task


Property Value Description
channels Array Array containing data for each channel in push mode. Each channel has the following properties
id String Unique identifier for the channel
name String Name of the channel
status String Status of the push_agent on the channel
busyness String Busyness of the push_agent on the channel
custom_status Hash Id of the custom_status used by the agent


Resource Types

Type Description
content.approved When a content has been approved for publication. This does not mean that the content has been published yet. Notifications about exports are done with content.exported.
content.discussion_initiated When a discussion has been started. This does not mean that the content has been published yet. Notifications about exports are done with content.exported.
content.exported When a new content has been exported from RingCX to the source. This does not mean that the export succeeded. The synchronization_status field needs to be checked.
content.imported When a new content has been imported from the source to RingCX.
content.replied When someone replied to another content. This does not mean that the content has been published yet. Notifications about exports are done with content.exported.
content.thread_auto_closed When an Engage Messaging thread was automatically locked.
content.thread_closed When a thread is locked.
content.thread_opened When a thread is unlocked.
content.update_exported When a content has been update_exported (and the update has been propagated to the external source).

New content events

To be notified of new content from customers you should watch for content.imported but be careful as you will receive more than just customer contents.

In particular the ​content.imported event means imported from a RingCX Digital point of view, it notifies all interactions coming directly from the synchronized source. For example you publish a post on a managed facebook page without using RingCX Digital, a content.imported webhook will be triggered. For the Chat automatic welcome message (initial message) of the conversation will also be imported. So it’s not only customer message, this is a bit more complicated and some filtering may be required. To ignore those messages you will filter based on the status field to segregate actionable contents from customer vs. source itself.

Similarly, to be notified when a content has been exported from RingCX Digital to the source, you should watch for ​content.exported (new content) which will also notify automatic messages like survey or auto response and ​content.update_exported for update on existing content.

Finally, if you need more granular or earlier notification about contents creation, you can subscribe to ​content.discussion_initiated (new discussion), ​content.replied (reply on a message) and content.approved​ (content has been approved).

It can be useful to understand the basic workflow of contents:

  1. A new content is created from RingCX Digital: it can trigger content.discussion_initiated if a new thread has been initiated by an agent (outgoing content). Otherwise, regular replies to contents triggers content.replied.​ Those content may not be exported yet depending on approval settings.
  2. If the content requires to be approved (​approval_required attribute is ​true​), it has to wait for an approbation. Once the approbation is received, content.approved​ is triggered.
  3. The content can now be exported to the external source. Successful and Unsuccessful export operations trigger the ​content.exported event for new contents, and ​content.update_exported event for existing events that have been edited.


Property Value Description
id String ID of the content
approval_required Boolean Whether the content require approval before being published
author_id String ID of the author of the content
body String Body of the content
body_input_format String Format of the body (html, text)
created_from String From where the content has been created (interface, API, ...)
creator_id String ID of the creator of the content
date String Date at which the content was created
first_in_thread Boolean Whether the content is the first of the associated thread
foreign_categories Array of Strings Foreign categories associated to the content
foreign_id String ID of the content on the external website
has_attachment Boolean Whether the content has one or multiple attachments
intervention_id String ID of the intervention associated to the content
language String Language of the content
type String Type of the content
in_reply_to_author_id String ID of the author of the content for which this content is a reply
in_reply_to_id String ID of the content for which this content is a reply
private Boolean Whether the content is a private message
source_id String ID of the source associated to the content
source_type String Type of the source associated to the content
status String Status of the content
synchronization_status String For content.exported and content.update_exported event, the status of the synchronization (successful or unsuccessful).
thread_id String ID of the thread that owns the content
thread_title String Title of the thread that owns the content.
capabilities_supported Array of Strings List the types of structured messages that can be used to reply to this type of message.



Resource Types

Type Description
identity.merged When an identity is merged to other identities.
identity.unmerged When an identity is unmerged from other identities.


Property Value Description
new_identity_group_id String ID of the new Identity Group attached to the identity after the merge/unmerge.
old_identity_group_id String ID of the Identity Group which was previously attached to the identity before the merge/unmerge.


Resource Types

Type Description
survey_response.imported When a response to a survey has been imported.


Property Value Description
submitted_at date-time Date/time response was submitted (EST/EDT or GMT -5/GMT -4)
main_indicator Integer Main question result
main_indicator_scaled Float Main question result scaled to 0..1
intervention_id String ID of the intervention related to this survey
survey_id String ID of the survey
source_id String ID of the source related to this survey
user_id String ID of the user related to this survey
questions Array of Hashes List of questions containing the displayed text of the question, its foreign_id (from the third party survey supplier) and their replies in the form of an Array. Each one of the replies entry contains two keys: text and value of the customer reply.
response_foreign_id String Internal Response ID fetched from the provider.
answers Hash [Deprecated] Please use questions instead. Survey question and responses
foreign_id String [Deprecated] Please use id instead. Internal Response ID generated by RingCX Digital.

Custom Fields

Property Value Description
key String To have more information you need to look in RingCX Digital custom field admin, it depends on your setup
value String To have more information you need to look in RingCX Digital custom field admin, it depends on your setup