Responses Polling

Last updated: 2022-03-18Contributors
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Engage Digital will poll your survey responses by performing a GET /responses on your bridge every 15 minutes along with a since parameter corresponding to the the most recent response fetched's submitted_at field.

This parameter will be sent as milliseconds in UTC time (e.g. if base URL of the bridge is and your most recent response was submitted on 2022-01-10T10:00:00.000Z then Engage Digital will perform a GET

Response example

Here's an example of a valid response to the responses polling:

  "id": "12345",
  "records": [
      "id": "12345_response_1",
      "submitted_at": "2022-01-10T10:00:00.000Z",
      "mapping_key": "response_mapping_key",
      "questions": [
          "id": "main_question",
          "replies": [
              "value": "5"
          "id": "multiple_choices_question",
          "replies": [
              "value": "Faster response time"
              "value": "Better follow-up"
          "id": "free_text_question",
          "replies": [
              "value": "Everything's already perfect"

Detailed response format

Field Type Mandatory Description
id String NO Unique identifier of the survey.
records Array YES List of responses, see Response object description.

Response object description

Field Type Mandatory Description
id String YES Unique identifier of the response.
submitted_at Time YES Time the response was submitted at, the entire response will be ignored if not present.
mapping_key String YES Mapping key that was sent as the i parameter in the survey link, see Response mapping key.
questions Array YES List of questions and their associated replies, see Question object description.

Question object description

Field Type Mandatory Description
id String YES Unique identifier of the question, the whole entry will be ignored if not present.
replies Array YES List of replies for a given question (can have multiple entries), see Reply object description.

Reply object description

Field Type Mandatory Description
value String YES Value of the reply (in the example above, value 5 will be equivalent to "Very satisfied" as seen in the configuration).

Response mapping key

When sending the link to take a survey, Engage Digital will add an additional i parameter in the URL to bind the response with the conversation:


Please note that the response will be ignored by Engage Digital if the mapping_key parameter is not present or if it cannot be matched with an existing conversation.