Introduction to Send API

Last updated: 2022-07-28Contributors
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The Send API allows you to send contents instantly to Engage Digital. Its purpose is to build a near realtime API when the third party to be connected can support it. This API is optional and is a way to mitigate the slow import (~2 min) of the polling approach.

It also allows you to mark agent contents as read, which is visible by agents when 'view.messaging' option is enabled.


To use the send API, you must define what actions can be processed by Engage Digital. Use the polling method to define them in response of the action (more information can be found here).

As with the polling method, the send API allows you to implement actions progressively.


  • Each time that we receive a call to the /realtime/sdk/:source_id endpoint we will look at the content of your query to determine that it's well prepared.
  • The source_id url parameter must be filled with the Engage Digital source id that you target.
  • For security reasons, the request body must always be signed as described here.
  • The request body must be JSON encoded.

JSON Encoded Request Body

  "action": "messages.create",
  "params": {
    "id": "890",
    "actions": ["reply", "show", "list"],
    "author": {
      "id": "666",
      "created_at": "07/11/2019",
      "screenname": "John Doe"
    "body": "Awesome post !",
    "format": "text",
    "thread_id": "42"
  • action and params keys are mandatory.
  • action key defines the action that you want to perform on which resource type.
  • params key content depends to the action and resource type.
  • If the request runs smoothly, the response should be a HTTP 200 with ok as body. Otherwise consult the Errors section.


This section lists the parameters you must send for all actions and specifies what we return in the response.

Supported Actions

Resource Actions
Messages create
Private messages create
Threads create
Users create
Status mark_as_read
Typing start

Create Example


  "action": "messages.create",
  "params": {
    "id": "890",
    "author": {
      "id": "666",
      "created_at": "06/11/2017",
      "screenname": "John Doe"
    "body": "Awesome post !",
    "thread_id": "42"



Mark as read Example


  "action": "status.mark_as_read",
  "params": {
    "id": "890"



Typing Example


  "action": "typing.start",
  "params": {
    "thread_id": "42",
    "in_reply_to_id": "890",
    "preview": "Hello world"
  "action": "typing.stop",
  "params": {
    "thread_id": "42",
    "in_reply_to_id": "890"




Value HTTP Code Description
Bad request 400 The body is not JSON formatted or malformed.
Invalid request format 400 The request is malformed, a mandatory field is probably missing.
Invalid request size (max: 20971520 bytes) 413 The request body exceeds the limit of 20 megabytes, please limit the data submitted.
Source not found 422 The source_id does not exist in Engage Digital.
Invalid signature 422 The signature header is invalid, don't forget to sign (cf Request-Response) your body request.
Invalid action 422 The action that you provided is invalid or not implemented in Send API.
Invalid resource format 422 A required field is missing in the params object that you provided.
Source doesn't support structured contents 422 The view.messaging option is not implemented. Structured contents
Type is required for structured contents 422 A structured contents type is missing. Structured contents
Source doesn't support this type of structured content 422 A structured contents type is not supported by source. Structured contents
structured_content: "attribute_name" must not be empty 422 A mandatort contents attribute is missing. Structured contents
The author must be puppetizable 422 The author is used for structured contents creation must be puppetizable. Structured contents
too many typing requests, please try again in a few seconds 429 Too many typing requests were sent, retry later

Rate Limits

typing.start requests are limited to 1 request / thread on Engage Digital every 2 seconds (receiving a typing.stop request for a thread will reset this 2 seconds timer).

Other than that there is no limit enforced as of right now.

Complete Examples


function sign_string($str) {
    $secret = '56e79ea426735090665b1c107c757d6d3a692c061335e4728899af27f215edf3'; // source access_token
    return hash_hmac('sha512', $str, $secret);

$content = [
'action' => 'messages.create',
    'params' => [
    'id' => '890',
        'author' => [
            'id' => '42',
            'created_at' => '06/11/2017',
            'screenname' => 'Alice'
        'body' => 'Nice post!',
        'thread_id' => '888'

$body = json_encode($content);
$signature = sign_string($body);
$source_id = '8da592bc6fcf8bae41b2';

$session = curl_init("{$source_id}");
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["X-SMCCSDK-SIGNATURE: {$signature}" ]);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$response = curl_exec($session);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($session, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

echo "{$http_code}: {$response}\n";

require 'faraday'
require 'openssl'
require 'json'

body = {
action: "messages.create",
params: {
    id: "890",
    author: {
    id: "42",
    created_at: "06/11/2017",
    screenname: "Alice"
    body: "Nice post !",
    thread_id: "888"

access_token = '56e79ea426735090665b1c107c757d6d3a692c061335e4728899af27f215edf3' # source access_token
signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(, access_token, body)
source_id = '8da592bc6fcf8bae41b2' # source id
url = "{source_id}"

response = url).post do |req|
req.body = body
req.headers['X-SMCCSDK-SIGNATURE'] = signature

puts "#{response.status}: #{response.body}"