Filters and Paginating Results

Last updated: 2024-04-18Contributors
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All API methods that return a collection of records are paginated. Requests parameters and responses type always respect same format.

Request parameters

API methods that support pagination take two (optional) parameters:

Parameter Description
offset The record index to start. Default value is 0.
limit The max number of records to return. Default value is 30, max value is 150.

JSON response

  "count": 4320,
  "offset": 90,
  "limit": 30,
  "records": [
Parameter Description
count This is equal to total records count.
offset This is equal to given offset parameter.
limit This is equal to given limit parameter.
records The array of returned records.

Searching & Filtering

Most API methods that return a collection of records can be filtered if they accept a q parameters. Be informed that using search in API is much more resource intensive and may be subject to rate limiting.

Rules & Examples

There are certain search rules:

  1. Basic format: {keyword}:{value}.
  2. Multiple search parameter pairs are to be separated by spaces: {keyword1}:{value1} {keyword2}:{value2}.
  3. If there's any space in {value}, double quote it: {keyword}:"a value with spaces".
  4. If you want to apply filter for the same keyword for multiple times, simply separate them: {keyword}:{value1} {keyword}:{value2}.
  5. text is provided as the default keyword, so no need to specify it explicitly: {keyword1}:{value1} text:{value} = {keyword1}:{value1} {value}.
  6. Negate a keyword with -: -{keyword}:true = {keyword}:false.
  7. Boolean values can be either true(1, on, yes) or false(0, off, no).

Try it with UI

Log in to RingCX Digital and go to Agent Inbox. Available search parameters are all in search field. After search, they will be in tab url after q=.

Try it with API calls

Endpoint: [GET] https://{account_name}.api.{platform_hostname}/1.0/content_threads

Auth: Bearer {accessToken} (refer to Authentication)

Query parameter: q={filters} (eg. q=assigned_to_me:"true")


parameter value description
active_and_assigned true or false Restrict on assigned and active threads. Active threads have at least one intervention open that is not deferred.
active_and_assigned_to user_id Restrict on threads active and assigned to specific user id. Active threads have at least one intervention open that is not deferred.
active_and_assigned_to_disabled_agents true Restrict on threads active and assigned to disabled agents. Active threads have at least one intervention open that is not deferred.
active_and_assigned_to_me true or false Restrict on threads active and assigned to you. Active threads have at least one intervention open that is not deferred.
active_and_assigned_to_team team_id Restrict on threads active and assigned to given id. Negation is supported. Active threads have at least one intervention open that is not deferred.
assigned true or false Restrict on assigned (and not assigned) threads. Assigned threads are threads with at least one intervention (open or closed).
assigned_to user_id Restrict on thread assigned to specified user id. Assigned threads are threads with at least one intervention (open or closed).
assigned_to_me true or false Restrict on threads assigned to you (and not assigned to you). Assigned threads are threads with at least one intervention (open or closed).
assigned_to_team team_id Restrict on thread assigned to given team id. Negation is supported.
not_published true or false Restrict on threads that includes contents are not published.
approval_required true or false Restrict on threads that includes contents that require s approval.
categorized true or false Restrict on threads with at least one category or no category.
categorized_in category_id Restrict on category id. Many categories can be specified if you want to match at least one of specified categories.
categorized_in_mine true or false Restrict on your categories. It matches one of your categories.
categorized_in_mine_of category_id Restrict threads containing categories in at least one of your categories in given category id. Negation is not supported.
first_content_after date Restrict threads where their first content is created after given date. Negation is not supported.
first_content_before date Restrict threads where their first content is created before given date. Negation is not supported.
foreign id Restrict threads with the mentioned foreign_id. Negation is not supported.
forwarded_into category_id Restrict threads containing forwarded contents in at least one of given category id. Negation is supported.
forwarded_into_mine true or false Restrict threads containing forwarded contents in at least one of your categories.
forwarded_into_mine_of category_id Restrict threads containing forwarded categories in at least one of your categories in given category id. Negation is not supported.
language Restrict threads by content language.
last_content_after date Restrict threads where their last content is created after given date. Negation is not supported.
last_content_before date Restrict threads where their last content is created before given date. Negation is not supported.
needs_manual_categorization true Restrict threads having a content that needs manual categorization (meaning ICE could not classify a mandatory category)
not_categorized_in Restrict threads that do not contain one or several specific categories
opened_and_assigned true or false Restrict on threads under open interventions.
opened_and_assigned_to user_id Restrict on thread under open intervention assigned to specified user id.
opened_and_assigned_to_disabled_agents true Restrict on threads under open interventions assigned to disabled agents.
opened_and_assigned_to_me true or false Restrict on threads under your open interventions.
opened_and_assigned_to_team team_id Restrict on threads under open interventions of given team id. Negation is supported.
status_in name Restrict on thread with least one of specified status. Accepted statuses are new (a freshly created), assigned (under intervention), forwarded, replied (replied by an agent), user_reply (a reply made by an agent), user_initiated (initiated by an agent) or ignored. Negation can be specified using a minus before keyword.
scheduled true or false Restrict on thread with a content scheduled for publication in the future.
text words Restrict on threads matching specified text (ignore case). Negation is not supported yet. Note that this is the default keyword.
source id Restrict on threads whose source has the given id. Negation is supported. If you specify many times this criteria, this will match any of specified source id.
identity id Restrict on threads that contains a message from given identity id. You can specify many ids. Negation is not supported.
identity_group id Restrict on threads that contains a message from given identity group id. You can specify many ids. Negation is not supported.

Additional Info

Date keywords

There are some keywords accepting date as value. The value can be given in a specific date format, or it can be a human readable string. When ambiguous, date interpretation will depend on the application locale, as follows:

In French: 03/04/2011 will be interpreted as the third day of the fourth month In English: 03/04/2011 will be interpreted as the fourth day of the third month But 03/17/2011 will be interpreted as the 17th day of the third month in both locales

Here are some examples of dates or strings that can be interpreted as dates:

  • yesterday
  • last month
  • 2011-02-03
  • 2011-02-03 14:27:33
  • 2 hours ago
  • 2 weeks ago at 4pm
  • last friday at 20:00
  • 4th day last week
  • dec 25
  • january 5 at 4

Business hours are the hours during the day in which business is commonly conducted. Typical business hours vary by domain.

Here are some examples of dates or strings that can be interpreted as business hours dates:

  • 6 business hours ago
  • 20 business minutes from now
  • 1 business day ago

If a date without a time is given, the time will be considered as 00:00:00.

Sorting results

Returned results can be ordered by using order keyword. At the moment, ordering only supports created_at and last_content_at with asc or desc.

An example: q={keyword}:{value} order:created_at.asc (the default order is last_content_at.desc)