Intro to SDK Objects

Last updated: 2024-02-01Contributors
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Currently the SDK defines 6 types of objects:

  • Messages: publicly available messages exchanged between any number of users. Examples: blog comments, forum posts.
  • PrivateMessages: messages between 2 or more users that cannot be seen by others. Examples: direct messages on Twitter.
  • Threads: provide a way to structure the messages. Examples: blog posts, forum threads. Not mandatory (eg. Twitter).
  • Users: every other object type must have an author. This is the only object type that has no actions available.
  • Status: provides a way to update messages and private messages, like marking them as read. Only used in Send API
  • Typing: provides a way of notifying Engage Digital that an end-user is currently typing a message. Only used in Send API


We ignore extra fields and you only need to provide fields marked as required. Also, we consider a nulled field, an empty set, and the absence of a field as the same thing. Contents without required fields will be ignored.

Name Type Description
actions Array Possible actions for this content. Example: ["show", "reply"]
attachments Array Required unless body is present. An array of objects containing the url or a base64 content and the associated filename for each attachment**. Example: [{ "url": "" }] or [{ "content": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAfUAAAH2CAIAAAD", "filename": "master.jpg" }]
author Hash Required An User object.
body String Required unless attachments are present. Maximum size is 20k characters.
categories Array Example: ["TV", "Internet"]
created_at DateTime Supported formats: 2012-02-10, 2012-10-01T17:18:40Z (ISO 8601)
context_data Hash A hash having the (expected) form: {'fieldname' => 'value'}. The keys must be [a-zA-Z-]. Example: {"country": "Germany", "age": "34", "fruits": ["Apple", "Pear"]}
display_url String A full URI where anyone can see the specific comment.
format String html or text. Default on html if not specified.
id String Required
in_reply_to_id String It has to be a valid content ID if present.
ip String Example:
language String Example en
structured_content Hash Optional. Please keep in mind that an author used for structured content creation must be marked as a "puppet" identity and configured as a controlled identity in Engage Digital. Example: Structured contents.
structured_reply Hash Optional. Can be used when object is a reply to a structured content with a payload. Example: { payload: "DEFINED_PAYLOAD" }
thread_id String Required If the option messages.unthreaded is set this field will be ignored.
updated_at DateTime Supported formats: 2012-02-10, 2012-10-01T17:18:40Z (ISO 8601)

** For .mp4 attachments you can disambiguate the type ("audio" or "video") by specifying it in the object. Example: { "url": "", "type": "audio" }

When we post a message, we'll send the following attributes:

Name Type Description
attachments Array Example: [{ "url": "", "type": "image", "filename": "brand.png" }]
author_id String
body String
content_id String The message's internal ID
created_at DateTime Example: 2012-10-01T17:18:40Z
format String Example: "text"
in_reply_to_id String
retry Boolean false if it's the first time we're trying to send this message, true otherwise
sender_name String Example: "Jane from RingCentral"
structured_content Hash Optional. Example: Structured contents.
thread_id String Unless the messages.unthreaded option is set
updated_at DateTime Example: 2012-10-01T17:18:40Z


We ignore extra fields and you only need to provide fields marked as required. Also, we consider a nulled field, an empty set, and the absence of a field as the same thing. Contents without required fields will be ignored.

Please note that private messages don't use threads, but are organized based on in_reply_to_id.

Name Type Description
actions Array Possible actions for this content.
attachments Array Required unless body is present. An array of objects containing the url or a base64 content and the associated filename for each attachment**. Example: [{ "url": "" }] or [{ "content": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAfUAAAH2CAIAAAD", "filename": "master.jpg" }].
author Hash Required An User object.
body String Required unless attachments are present. Maximum size is 20k characters.
categories Array Example: ["TV", "Internet"]
created_at DateTime Supported formats: 2012-02-10, 2012-10-01T17:18:40Z (ISO 8601)
context_data Hash A hash having the (expected) form: {'fieldname' => 'value'}. The keys must be [a-zA-Z-]. Example: {"country": "Germany", "age": "34", "fruits": ["Apple", "Pear"]}.
display_url String A full URI where anyone can see the specific comment.
format String html or text. Default on html if not specified.
id String Required
in_reply_to_id String It has to be a valid content ID if present.
ip String Example:
language String Example en.
recipient Hash Required An User object.
structured_content Hash Optional. Please keep in mind that an author used for structured content creation must be marked as a "puppet" identity and configured as a controlled identity in Engage Digital. Example: Structured contents.
structured_reply Hash Optional. Can be used when object is a reply to a structured content with a payload. Example: { payload: "DEFINED_PAYLOAD" }
updated_at DateTime Supported formats: 2012-02-10, 2012-10-01T17:18:40Z (ISO 8601)

** For .mp4 attachments you can disambiguate the type ("audio" or "video") by specifying it in the object. Example: { "url": "", "type": "audio" }

When we post a private message, we'll send the following attributes:

Name Type Description
attachments Array Example: [{ "url": "", "type": "image", "filename": "brand.png" }]
author_id String
body String
content_id String The private message's internal ID
created_at DateTime Example: 2012-10-01T17:18:40Z
format String Example: "html"
in_reply_to_id String
sender_name String Example: "Jane from RingCentral"
recipient_id String
retry Boolean Set to false if it's the first time we're trying to send this message, true otherwise
structured_content Hash Optional. Example: Structured contents.
updated_at DateTime Example: 2012-10-01T17:18:40Z


We ignore extra fields and you only need to provide fields marked as required. Also, we consider a nulled field, an empty set, and the absence of a field as the same thing. Contents without required fields will be ignored.

Name Type Description
actions Array Possible actions for this content. Example: ["show", "reply"].
author Hash Required unless no_content option activated.
body String Required unless no_content option activated. Maximum size is 20k characters.
categories Array Example: ["TV", "Internet"]
created_at DateTime Supported formats: 2012-02-10, 2012-10-01T17:18:40Z (ISO 8601)
context_data Hash A hash having the (expected) form: {'fieldname' => 'value'}. The keys must be [a-zA-Z-]. Example: {"country": "Germany", "age": "34", "fruits": ["Apple", "Pear"]}.
display_url String A full URI where anyone can see the specific comment.
format String html or text. Default on html if not specified.
id String Required
ip String Example:
title String
updated_at DateTime Supported formats: 2012-02-10, 2012-10-01T17:18:40Z (ISO 8601)

When we post a thread, we'll send the following attributes:

Name Type Description
attachments Array Example: [{ "url": "", "type": "image", "filename": "brand.png" }]
author_id String
body String
content_id String The thread's internal ID
created_at DateTime Example: 2012-10-01T17:18:40Z
format String Example: "text"
retry Boolean Set to false if it's the first time we're trying to send this message, true otherwise
sender_name String Example: "Jane from RingCentral"
title String


We ignore extra fields and you only need to provide fields marked as required. Also, we consider a nulled field, an empty set, and the absence of a field as the same thing. Contents without required fields will be ignored.

Name Type Description
id String Required, ID of the author on the third party system (yours). User with the same ID will be considered to be the same identity in Engage Digital.
firstname String Firstname of the user if you can provide it.
lastname String Lastname of the user if you can provide it.
screenname String Required Name we display for this user.
avatar_url String
email String Confirmed email of the user, can be used to send email PM if no PM mechanism is supported.
home_phone String Home phone number.
mobile_phone String Mobile/cellular phone number.
created_at DateTime Required Supported formats: 2012-02-10, 2012-10-01T17:18:40Z (ISO 8601).
updated_at DateTime Required Supported formats: 2012-02-10, 2012-10-01T17:18:40Z (ISO 8601).
puppetizable Boolean Whether Engage Digital can use this user as identity to create message. False by default.
gender String Accepted values are "man" or "woman".
context_data Hash Data specific to the User, that will be stored in Engage Digital at the identity and identitygroup level. Expect a hash having the (expected) form: {'field_name' => 'value'}. The keys must be [a-zA-Z-]. Example: {"country": "Germany", "age": "34", "fruits": ["Apple", "Pear"]}.


We ignore extra fields and you only need to provide fields marked as required. Used only in Send API

Name Type Description
id String Required, ID of the message or private message on the third party system (yours). This is the ID you return on message.create and private_message.create actions


We ignore extra fields and you only need to provide fields marked as required. Can only be used if the messaging.typing_indicator option is enabled (see Options). Used only in Send API

Name Type Description
thread_id String Required if in_reply_to_id is not provided, ID of the thread on the third party system (yours). Will be used in priority over in_reply_to_id if both are provided.
in_reply_to_id String Required if thread_id is not provided, ID of the message or private message on the third party system (yours). This is the ID you return on message.create and private_message.create actions
preview String Required for typing.start event only, preview of the message being typed by the end user