About Agents

Last updated: 2023-12-09Contributors
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Managing agents and automatically syncing them with your user management tools can be automated via the API. This article covers the basics of creating, reading, updating deleting Agents.

Of note, Agents must be associated with an Agent Group so you need to have at least one Agent Group configured before managing Agents. See Agent Groups for more.

Create Agent

Before starting, make sure you have an Agent Group created and the agentGroupId of the group you wish to assign the Agent to.

Primary Parameters

The following API properties are primary properties to create an agent and are also displayed in the Create Agent form in the RingCX Admin Console. The UI category section and property name is provided in the table below for easy mapping. Some supporting properties that are not visible in the UI are provided as well.

API Property UI Category UI Property Description
firstName Optional Agent Information First Name  Agent’s first name
lastName Optional Agent Information Last Name  Agent's last name
email Optional Agent Information Email  Agent's email address
externalAgentId  Optional Agent Information External Agent ID If you have external systems that reference agents by their own unique identifiers, enter that unique identifier in this setting
location  Optional Agent Information Location Agent's location
team  Optional Agent Information Team Agent's team name
rcUserId  Optional Agent Information RC Office extension Office extensionId. Sync a RingCentral Office user to the new agent user. This will link the agent’s basic information from RingCentral Office to their information in RingCX, such as their first and last name, their email address, and username and password. Retrieve a list of Extensions and use the id value.
userManagedByRC  Optional Agent Information RC Office extension false
allowLoginControl  Optional Login Settings Allow Login true
allowLoginUpdates  Optional Login Settings Allow Login true
username  Required Login Settings Username
password  Required Login Settings Password
agentType  Optional Login Settings Agent Type Select what type this agent is AGENT or SUPERVISOR. Use values from Agent Type
agentRank  Optional Login Settings Agent Rank 0 - 24 with 0 being the lowest, 12 being medium and 24 being high.
initLoginBaseState  Optional Login Settings Initial State Example: AVAILABLE. Retrieve a list of valid states using Initial State and use the values in baseAgentState.colKey.
initLoginBaseStateId  Optional Login Settings Initial State Example: 11786 Retrieve a list of valid states using Initial State and use the values in stateId.
ghostRnaAction  Optional Login Settings Ghost RNA Action Example: AVAILABLE
dialGroupAssignments Optional Login Settings Default Dial Group Enter the dial group you wish to show to be preselected when the agent first logs in. Example: {"id":111111}. Retrieve a list of valid values using Dial Groups and use a dialGroupId value as the dialGroupAssignments.id.
manualOutboundDefaultGate Optional Login Settings Manual Outbound Default Queue Assignment Example: {id: 222222}. Retrieve a list of valid values using Queue Groups. Each gateGroup will contain a list of queues with a gateId and can be used as the manualOutboundDefaultGate.id value in this request.
enableSoftphone  Optional Phone Settings Enable Softphone true
defaultLoginDest  Optional Phone Settings Default Route
altDefaultLoginDest  Optional Phone Settings Alt. Default Route
phoneLoginPin  Optional Phone Settings Phone Login PIN
directAgentExtension  Optional Phone Settings Direct Dial Extension
manualOutboundDefaultCallerId  Optional Phone Settings Manual Outbound Default Caller ID
maxChats  Optional Chat Settings Max Number of Concurrent Chats

Supporting APIs

The following APIs can be used to retrieve information to populate various properties in the requests.

Initial State

The default agent state is AVAILABLE (that is, ready to take or make a call or chat). Any other state will require the agent to manually set themselves to an Available base state after login in order to take calls The options presented here will depend on the agent states created via the Agent States configuration panel option at the account level

GET {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/auxStates/?activeOnly=true

Dial Groups

Get a list of dial groups.

GET {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/dialGroup

Queue Groups

Get a list of queue groups and corresponding queues in this account.

GET api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups/withChildren


Gets a list agents and their corresponding extensions.

GET {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/ringcentral/extensions

Agent Type

The parameter agentType can take on the following values:

Value Description
AGENT If you don’t want the agent to monitor other agents, select this option
SUPERVISOR If you want the agent to listen in and monitor other agent calls, select this option


Be sure to set the proper BASE_URL and authorization header for your deployment.

POST {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/agentGroups/{agentGroupId}/agents


Read Agents

To get a list of agents in this agent group, but with only basic information about each agent.


Be sure to set the proper BASE_URL and authorization header for your deployment.

GET {BASE_URL}api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/agentGroups/{agentGroupId}/agents
/****** Install Node JS SDK wrapper *******
$ npm install ringcentral-engage-voice-client

const RunRequest = async function () {
    const EngageVoice = require('ringcentral-engage-voice-client').default

    // Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
    const ev = new EngageVoice({
        clientId: "RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTID",
        clientSecret: "RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTSECRET"

    try {
        // Authorize with your RingCentral Office user credentials
        await ev.authorize({
            username: "RINGCENTRAL_USERNAME",
            extension: "RINGCENTRAL_EXTENSION",
            password: "RINGCENTRAL_PASSWORD"

        // Get Agent Groups data
        const agentGroupsEndpoint = "/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/agentGroups"
        const agentGroupsResponse = await ev.get(agentGroupsEndpoint)
        for (var group of agentGroupsResponse.data) {
            // Get Agents under your Agent Group
            if (group.groupName == "My New Agent Group") {
                const agentEndpoint = agentGroupsEndpoint + "/" + group.agentGroupId + "/agents"
                const agentResponse = await ev.get(agentEndpoint)
    catch (err) {

#### Install Python SDK wrapper ####
# $ pip3 install ringcentral_engage_voice
#  or
# $ pip install ringcentral_engage_voice

from ringcentral_engage_voice import RingCentralEngageVoice

def retrieve_agents():
        agentGroupsEndpoint = "/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/agentGroups"
        agentGroupsResponse = ev.get(agentGroupsEndpoint).json()
        for group in agentGroupsResponse:
            # Retrieve Agents
            if group['groupName'] == "My New Agent Group":
                agentsEndpoint = f"{agentGroupsEndpoint}/{group['agentGroupId']}/agents"    # f         string:https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0498/
                agentsResponse = ev.get(agentsEndpoint).json()
    except Exception as e:

# Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
ev = RingCentralEngageVoice(

    # Authorize with your RingCentral Office user credentials

except Exception as e:


Some sample response data shown below.

        "agentId": 1234567,
        "permissions": [],
        "firstName": "Mike",
        "lastName": "Stowe",
        "username": "mstowe",
        "defaultLoginDest": "",
        "agentType": "AGENT",
        "allowDirectAgentTransfer": "DIRECT_TRANSFER_DISABLED",
        "isActive": true,
        "loadBalanceEnabled": false,
        "location": null,
        "team": null,
        "agentAccountAccess": null,
        "agentGateAccess": null,
        "agentGateGroupAccess": null,
        "agentChatGroupAccess": null,
        "agentDialGroupMembers": null,
        "agentChatQueueAccesses": null
        "agentId": 7654321,
        "permissions": [],
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Wang",
        "username": "jwang",
        "defaultLoginDest": "",
        "agentType": "AGENT",
        "allowDirectAgentTransfer": "DIRECT_TRANSFER_DISABLED",
        "isActive": true,
        "loadBalanceEnabled": false,
        "location": null,
        "team": null,
        "agentAccountAccess": null,
        "agentGateAccess": null,
        "agentGateGroupAccess": null,
        "agentChatGroupAccess": null,
        "agentDialGroupMembers": null,
        "agentChatQueueAccesses": null

Read Agent

To retrieve a single agent, you can specify the agent ID and get more details about the agent.


Be sure to set the proper BASE_URL and authorization header for your deployment.

GET {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/agentGroups/{agentGroupId}/agents/{agentId}


Some sample response data shown below.

    "agentId": 7654321,
    "permissions": [],
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Wang",
    "email": null,
    "username": "jwang",
    "password": "password",
    "defaultLoginDest": "",
    "altDefaultLoginDest": null,
    "lastLoginDate": null,
    "agentRank": 0,
    "createdOn": "2020-05-06T20:57:43.000+0000",
    "agentType": "AGENT",
    "maxChats": 5,
    "externalAgentId": "jw001",
    "directAgentExtension": null,
    "allowInbound": true,
    "allowOutbound": false,
    "allowExternalChat": false,
    "allowChat": false,
    "allowBlended": false,
    "allowChatVoiceConcurrent": false,
    "allowOffHook": false,
    "allowCallControl": true,
    "allowHold": true,
    "allowTransfer": true,
    "allowManualIntlTransfer": false,
    "allowDirectAgentTransfer": "DIRECT_TRANSFER_DISABLED",
    "allowHangup": true,
    "allowRequeue": true,
    "allowLoginControl": true,
    "allowLoginUpdates": true,
    "allowCrossGateRequeue": true,
    "gatesControlAgentVisibility": false,
    "allowCampStats": true,
    "allowGateStats": true,
    "allowAgentStats": true,
    "allowSelfAgentStats": false,
    "allowChatStats": true,
    "disableSupervisorMonitoring": false,
    "allowAgentReports": false,
    "allowManualCalls": true,
    "allowManualIntlCalls": false,
    "allowInboundIntlTransfer": false,
    "allowLeadInserts": false,
    "allowAutoAnswer": false,
    "defaultAutoAnswerOn": true,
    "isActive": true,
    "ghostRnaAction": "AVAILABLE",
    "loadBalanceEnabled": false,
    "transientAgent": false,
    "parentAgentId": null,
    "transientDelete": false,
    "transientDeleteDate": null,
    "phoneLoginPin": null,
    "multiAccountAgent": false,
    "initLoginBaseState": "AVAILABLE",
    "initLoginBaseStateId": 11786,
    "enableSoftphone": false,
    "softphoneId": 0,
    "allowFromIpAddresses": null,
    "location": null,
    "team": null,
    "showLeadHistory": true,
    "manualOutboundDefaultCallerId": "",
    "allowManualOutboundGates": false,
    "allowManualPass": true,
    "allowEndcallforeveryone": true,
    "allowHistoricalDialing": true,
    "rcUserId": null,
    "userManagedByRC": false,
    "gateAssignments": null,
    "chatQueueAssignments": null,
    "dialGroupAssignments": null,
    "agentAccountAccess": null,
    "agentGateAccess": null,
    "agentGateGroupAccess": null,
    "agentChatGroupAccess": null,
    "agentGroup": {
        "id": 1234,
        "description": "Platform Team"
    "manualOutboundDefaultGate": null,
    "phoneLoginDialGroup": null,
    "agentSkillProfiles": null,
    "agentDialGroupMembers": null,
    "agentChatQueueAccesses": null,
    "agentLoadBalanceMembers": null,
    "groupId": 1234,
    "agentLoadBalance": null,
    "sipSafeUsername": "jwang",
    "accountAccess": null,
    "whereSupervisor": null,
    "whereSupervisee": [],
    "active": true

Update Agent

To Update an Agent Group's name, get the Agent Group's JSON object, modify the groupName and then PUT the JSON to back the the Agent Group's endpoint:


Be sure to set the proper BASE_URL and authorization header for your deployment.

# Retrieve Agent Group JSON object
GET {BASE_URL}api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/agentGroups/{agentGroupId}/agents/{agentId}

# Modify `groupName` and `PUT` JSON object
PUT {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/agentGroups/{agentGroupId}/agents/{agentId}
Content-Type: application/json

    "firstName":"My New First Name"
/****** Install Node JS SDK wrapper *******
$ npm install ringcentral-engage-voice-client

const RunRequest = async function () {
    const EngageVoice = require('ringcentral-engage-voice-client').default

    // Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
    const ev = new EngageVoice({
        clientId: "RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTID",
        clientSecret: "RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTSECRET"

    try {
        // Authorize with your RingCentral Office user credentials
        await ev.authorize({
            username: "RINGCENTRAL_USERNAME",
            extension: "RINGCENTRAL_EXTENSION",
            password: "RINGCENTRAL_PASSWORD"

        // Get Agent Groups data
        const agentGroupsEndpoint = "/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/agentGroups"
        const agentGroupsResponse = await ev.get(agentGroupsEndpoint)
        for (var group of agentGroupsResponse.data) {
            // Update the Agent
            if (group.groupName == "My New Agent Group") {
                const agentsEndpoint = agentGroupsEndpoint + "/" + group.agentGroupId + "/agents"
                const agentsResponse = await ev.get(agentsEndpoint)
                for (var agent of agentsResponse.data) {
                    if (agent.username == "{existingAgentUsername}") {
                        const singleAgentEndpoint = agentsEndpoint + "/" + agent.agentId
                        agent.firstName = "{agentNewUsername}"
                        const singleAgentResponse = await ev.put(singleAgentEndpoint, agent)
    catch (err) {

#### Install Python SDK wrapper ####
# $ pip3 install ringcentral_engage_voice
#  or
# $ pip install ringcentral_engage_voice

ffrom ringcentral_engage_voice import RingCentralEngageVoice

def update_agent():
        agentGroupsEndpoint = "/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/agentGroups"
        agentGroupsResponse = ev.get(agentGroupsEndpoint).json()
        for group in agentGroupsResponse:
            # Find your Agent Group
            if group['groupName'] == "My New Agent Group":
                agentsEndpoint = f"{agentGroupsEndpoint}/{group['agentGroupId']}/agents"    # f         string:https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0498/
                agentsResponse = ev.get(agentsEndpoint).json()
                for agent in agentsResponse:
                    # Update your Agent
                    if agent['username'] == "{existingAgentUsername}":
                        singleAgentEndpoint = f"{agentsEndpoint}/{agent['agentId']}"
                        agent['firstName'] = "{agentNewUsername}"
                        singleAgentResponse = ev.put(singleAgentEndpoint, agent).json()
    except Exception as e:

# Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
ev = RingCentralEngageVoice(

    # Authorize with your RingCentral Office user credentials

except Exception as e:

Delete Agent


Be sure to set the proper BASE_URL and authorization header for your deployment.

DELETE {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/agentGroups/{agentGroupId}/agents/{agentId}`