About Queues

Last updated: 2023-12-09Contributors
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Queues are where calls are routed to. Be sure to make your queue active if you want calls to be routed properly, otherwise, callers to that queue will get a disconnected message.

Core Concepts

Inbound queues are grouped within queue groups and act as the location to which calls are routed. Inbound queues can be configured to provide a specific experience you wish each customer to have while they’re waiting for an agent to take their call. You can configure settings like Queue Events to decide what customers will hear while waiting, including the hold music they’ll hear, their total wait time in queue, and more.

To reach the inbound queue, you need a number for callers to call. This is referred to the DNIS number and must be configured in the DNIS Assignment.


Before using Queues, make sure to configure your test Agent (User) with the right priority and permissions. Your Agent should have a high enough priority so the inbound call is routed to them first. Also, the permission for the Agent should be "Allow inbound calls" to give the Agent the right to receive inbound calls.

You must first create a Queue Group before creating Queues. Start with a simple Queue Groups and then create your first Queues.

Create Queue

Make sure you know which account and which queue group you are creating this new queue in before proceeding. Creating a new queue group initially requires very few parameters.

Primary Parameters

Only gateName is a required parameter to create a Queue. All other parameters are optional.

API Property UI Display UI Default Description
isActive Optional Active unchecked  Make the Queue active or inactive.
gateName Required Name empty  Give this queue a name.
gateDesc Optional Description empty  Set a short description for the new Queue.
gatePriority Optional Queue Priority 0 [Normal]  Specify the priority for this Queue. The higher the number, the higher the priority. 6 is the highest priority allowed from this setting.
outboundCallerId Optional Outbound Caller ID Inbound Callers ANI  This Automatic Number Identification (ANI) of the inbound caller's number is shown to the agent receiving the call from the Queue.
callbackCampaign Optional Campaign Callback Mapping empty  If a customer is marked as a callback in the system, pick a outbound (dial group) campaign to assign them to. Retrieve a list of campaigns using Dial Groups
abandonCampaign Optional Abandon Campaign Mapping empty  If a caller hangs up in the queue before reaching an agent, the caller’s number will be moved to a campaign lead list (dial group) so they can be called back via the campaign. Retrieve a list of campaigns using Dial Groups
Call Recording Settings
recordCall Optional Call Recordings Yes - Record Full Call Values are numeric and include 0: No-Don't Record Call, 1: Yes-Record Full Call.
stopRecordingOnTransfer Optional Recording on Transfer Yes - Record on Transfer  Values are boolean and include true: No-Don't Record on Transfer, false: Yes-Record on Transfer.
recordingInConference Optional Recording Perspective Inbound Caller  Values are boolean and include true: record from the Agent's perspective, false: record from the Inbound Caller's perspective.
Metric Settings
shortAbandonTime Optional Short Abandon Time 30  The system counts the number of callers who abandon the queue before x seconds elapse (using default, x=30 seconds).
slaTime Optional SLA Time 30  Use this field to monitor your call center’s service level times, as measured by the percent of calls answered within your SLA (Service Level Agreement) time. For example, type 30 in this fiedl to monitor the percentage of calls answered within 30 seconds.
shortCallTime Optional Short Call Time 30 Enter a time (in seconds) to identify any call duration you wish to mark as a short call time. For example, if you enter 30, the system will mark calls of 30 seconds or less as a ‘short call time’.
longCallTime Optional Long Call Time 300  Enter a time (in seconds) to identify any call duration you wish to mark as a long call time. For example, if you enter 300, the system will mark calls of greater than 300 seconds as a ‘long call time’.
Agent Settings
surveyPopType Optional Disable Dispositions and Agent Notes unchecked Check (set value to SUPPRESS) this box to prevent dispositions and the Agent Notes field from appearing within the agent interface for this queue. Enable this setting (set value to FLASH) when you wish to provide those options within an integrated agent script or an external app instead.
script Optional Integrated Script None  Select an agent script for this queue. The script you choose here will be presented by default to all agents taking calls in this queue. Retrieve a list of scripts using Script Groups
ttAccept Optional TT Accept unchecked  Touch Tone Accept. Check this box if you'd like to require your agents to press a key when they’re ready to accept a call.
hangupOnDisposition Optional Hangup on Disposition unchecked  Select this option to ensure agent calls are terminated immediately following disposition. This can be useful if you wish to ensure that a call is dispositioned only when the agent is ready to end the call (rather than at any other time during the call).
enableGlobalPhoneBook Optional Enable Global Phone Book unchecked  Check this box to allow agents to access your global phone book when making transfers.
enableIvrTokens Optional Enable IVR Tokens unchecked  This advanced feature allows you to pass tokens from IVR Studio (created via the scripting node) to an external app URL on the queue.
wrapTime Optional Wrap Time 8  Give agent 8 seconds after caller hangs up before making agent available to receive calls again.
acceptTime Optional Max Accept Time 30  For agents not in an offhook session, this setting specifies the amount of time in seconds the queue will ring the agent’s phone before requeueing the call to attempt another agent.
dispositionTimeout Optional Disposition Alert Timer (sec.) 60  This setting allows you to choose a time (in seconds) after which agents will receive a reminder to disposition their call. The timer starts when a call ends.

One of the Agent Settings is available in a nested object. This setting includes the Agent's Post Call State a. See the example nested JSON object below:

API Property UI Display UI Default Description
afterCallState.description Optional Post Call State empty  Choose the agent state you would like to place agents in once they finish a call. Options in this dropdown menu will populate according to the agent states you configure via the Agent States at the account level. Retrieve a list of states using Post Call States

Supporting Values and APIs

The following APIs are used to retrieve predefined values for certain fields. Use these values to populate the correct parameter values of fields.

Dial Groups

Gets a list of dial groups for campaigns created under this account.

GET {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/dialGroups/withChildren

Script Groups

Gets a list of script groups for agents to read and communicate to callers, created under this account.

GET {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/scriptGroups/withChildren

Post Call States

Gets a list of post call states for an agent. Some examples include "Available", "Away", "Lunch", etc.

GET {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/auxStates/?activeOnly=true

Code samples

Be sure to set the proper BASE_URL and authorization header for your deployment.

POST {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups/{gateGroupId}/gates
Content-Type: application/json

        "gateName":"My Queue",
        "gateDesc":"An initial queue for this Queue Group",
        "gatePriority":"0", /* 0 is normal priority out of 6 priorities. Please see list below of       priority values */
        "outboundCallerId":"ani", /* ani is the default inbound caller's ID. Please see list below      of caller IDs */
/****** Install Node JS SDK wrapper *******
$ npm install ringcentral-engage-voice-client

const RunRequest = async function () {
    const EngageVoice = require('ringcentral-engage-voice-client').default

    // Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
    const ev = new EngageVoice({
        clientId: "RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTID",
        clientSecret: "RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTSECRET"

    try {
        // Authorize with your RingCentral Office user credentials
        await ev.authorize({
            username: "RINGCENTRAL_USERNAME",
            extension: "RINGCENTRAL_EXTENSION",
            password: "RINGCENTRAL_PASSWORD"

        // Get Queue Groups data
        const groupsEndpoint = "/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups"
        const groupsResponse = await ev.get(groupsEndpoint)
        for (var group of groupsResponse.data) {
            // Create a new Queue under your Queue Group
            if (group.groupName == "My New Queue Group") {
                const queueEndpoint = groupsEndpoint + "/" + group.gateGroupId + "/gates"
                const postBody = {
                    "isActive": true,
                    "gateName": "My Node Queue",
                    "gateDesc": "An initial queue for this Queue Group"
                const queueResponse = await ev.post(queueEndpoint, postBody)
    catch (err) {

#### Install Python SDK wrapper ####
# $ pip3 install ringcentral_engage_voice
#  or
# $ pip install ringcentral_engage_voice

from ringcentral_engage_voice import RingCentralEngageVoice

def create_queue():
        groupsEndpoint = "/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups"
        groupsResponse = ev.get(groupsEndpoint).json()
        for group in groupsResponse:
            # Create a new Queue under your Queue Group
            if (group['groupName'] == "Ma New Queue Group"):
                queueEndpoint = f"{groupsEndpoint}/{group['gateGroupId']}/gates"    # f         string:https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0498/
                postBody = {
                    "gateName" : "My New Queue",
                    "gateDesc" : "An initial queue for this Queue Group",
                    "isActive" : True
                queueResponse = ev.post(queueEndpoint, postBody).json()
    except Exception as e:

# Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
ev = RingCentralEngageVoice(

    # Authorize with your RingCentral Office user credentials

except Exception as e:

  // Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
  $ev = new EngageVoiceSDKWrapper\RestClient("RC_APP_CLIENT_ID", "RC_APP_CLIENT_SECRET");
    // Login your account with your RingCentral Office user credentials
    $endpoint = "admin/accounts/~/gateGroups";
    // get a list of Queue Groups and find the "Platform" queue group for this user
    $response = $ev->get($endpoint);
    $jsonObj = json_decode($response);
    foreach ($jsonObj as $group){
        if ($group->groupName == "Platform"){
            // Create a new Queue for this queue group
            $endpoint = 'admin/accounts/~/gateGroups/' . $group->gateGroupId . "/gates";
            $params = array (
              "isActive" => true,
              "gateName" => "My PHP Queue",
              "gateDesc" => "An initial queue for this Queue Group"
            $response = $ev->post($endpoint, $params);
            print ($response);
  }catch (Exception $e) {
    print $e->getMessage();

Where key parameters are:

  • isActive

    Activates this new queue so agents can begin taking calls. If this is unchecked, callers attempting to reach this queue will receive a disconnected message.

  • gateName

    Refers to the name of this new queue. This is the only required field you need to present to create a queue.

  • gateDesc

    Refers to a short description for the queue. Describe the purpose of the queue here.

  • gatePriority

    If you wish for certain queues within a queue group to receive more calls than others, you can use this setting to specify a higher priority for this queue compared to other queues.

  • outboundCallerId

    This setting is the Caller ID that displays to either the agent or a third party (if there is a transfer event set up in the queue) receiving an inbound call. Typically, this should be the caller's ID so Inbound Caller's ANI is the default.

The response will auto fill any undefined settings with default settings.


  "isActive": true,
  "gateName": "My Queue",
  "gateDesc": "An initial queue for this Queue Group",
  "gatePriority": 0,
  "billingCode": null,
  "outboundCallerId": "ani",
  "manualCallerId": null,
  "transferCallerId": null,
  "callbackCampaign": null,
  "abandonCampaign": null,
  "recordCall": 1,
  "stopRecordingOnTransfer": false,
  "recordingInConference": false,
  "shortAbandonTime": 30,
  "slaTime": 30,
  "shortCallTime": 30,
  "longCallTime": 300,
  "whisperMessage": null,
  "blockedAniMessage": null,
  "onHoldMessage": null,
  "endCallMessage": null,
  "script": null,
  "appUrl": null,
  "backupAppUrl": null,
  "ttAccept": false,
  "hangupOnDisposition": false,
  "enableGlobalPhoneBook": false,
  "enableIvrTokens": false,
  "wrapTime": 8,
  "acceptTime": 30,
  "dispositionTimeout": 60,
  "dequeueSoapService": null,
  "resultFileDestination": null,
  "agentConnSoapService": null,
  "agentTermSoapService": null,
  "postCallSoapService": null,
  "postDispSoapService": null,
  "transferTermSoapService": null,
  "monSched": "08002100",
  "wedSched": "08002100",
  "friSched": "08002100",
  "throttlingAniEvent": null,
  "afterCallState": null,
  "maxQueueEvent": null,
  "fifoDisabled": true,
  "observeDst": true,
  "specialAniEvent": null,
  "throttleDays": 0,
  "dequeueDelay": 0,
  "agentPopMessage": null,
  "noAgentEvent": null,
  "requeueType": "ADVANCED",
  "throttleCalls": 0,
  "afterCallBaseState": null,
  "syncQueueWait": 10,
  "maxQueueLimit": -1,
    {"id": 52653,
     "description": "Platform"
  "gateId": 72976,
  "gateClosedEvent": null,
  "permissions": [],
  "pauseRecordingSec": 30,
  "survey": null,
  "createdOn": "2020-05-15T20:38:13.686+0000",
  "revMatch": false,
  "agentGateAccess": []


  • gatePriority (Queue Priority) can take on the following values:

    Value Description
    0 [0] Normal - This is the default priority
    1 [1] Medium - This is medium priority
    2 [2] High - This is high priority
    3 [3] High Level 2 - This is high priority is 1 level higher
    4 [4] High Level 3 - This is high priority is 2 levels higher
    5 [5] High Level 4 - This is high priority is 3 levels higher
    6 [6] High Level 5 - This is high priority is 4 levels higher
    -1 [-1] Low - This is the lowest priority
  • outboundCallerId (Outbound Caller ID) can take on the following values:

    Value Description
    Inbound Callers ANI This Automatic Number Identification (ANI) of the inbound caller's number is shown to the agent receiving the call from the Queue.
    DNIS This setting refers to the destination number, which is usually (but not always) the inbound number your callers will dial to reach your call center.
    Originating DNIS This setting refers to a phone number your callers can dial to reach your contact center, which is usually (but not always) the destination number that you would like to route calls through.
    Dynamic Unique ID A unique ten-digit, system-generated ID for each call session. This setting is useful in identifying specific calls in cases in which a 30-digit unique ID is not an option (or if you keep your own records that don’t include the unique ID).

Retrieve Queues

Retrieve a list of Queues using the gate endpoint.

Optional Parameters

The following parameters are optional.

API Property Type UI Display UI Default Description
page Integer Hidden 1  A way to specify which page to show for a long number of Queues
maxRows Integer Hidden ??  You can specify the maximum number of Queues to return in a single call.

Sample code

Be sure to set the proper BASE_URL and authorization header for your deployment.

/****** Install Node JS SDK wrapper *******
$ npm install ringcentral-engage-voice-client

const RunRequest = async function () {
    const EngageVoice = require('ringcentral-engage-voice-client').default

    const ev = new EngageVoice({
        clientId: "RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTID",
        clientSecret: "RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTSECRET"

    try {
        // Authorize with your RingCentral Office user credentials
        await ev.authorize({
            username: "RINGCENTRAL_USERNAME",
            extension: "RINGCENTRAL_EXTENSION",
            password: "RINGCENTRAL_PASSWORD"

        // Get Queue Groups data
        const groupsEndpoint = "/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups"
        const groupsResponse = await ev.get(groupsEndpoint)
        for (var group of groupsResponse.data) {
            // Get Queues under your Queue Group
            if (group.groupName == "My New Queue Group") {
                const queueEndpoint = groupsEndpoint + "/" + group.gateGroupId + "/gates"
                const queueResponse = await ev.get(queueEndpoint)
    catch (err) {

#### Install Python SDK wrapper ####
# $ pip3 install ringcentral_engage_voice
#  or
# $ pip install ringcentral_engage_voice

from ringcentral_engage_voice import RingCentralEngageVoice

def retrieve_queues():
        groupsEndpoint = "/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups"
        groupsResponse = ev.get(groupsEndpoint).json()
        for group in groupsResponse:
            # Retrieve Queues under your Queue Group
            if (group['groupName'] == "My New Queue Group"):
                queueEndpoint = f"{groupsEndpoint}/{group['gateGroupId']}/gates"    # f         string:https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0498/
                queueResponse = ev.get(queueEndpoint).json()
    except Exception as e:

# Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
ev = RingCentralEngageVoice(

    # Authorize with your RingCentral Office user credentials

except Exception as e:

// Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
$ev = new EngageVoiceSDKWrapper\RestClient("RC_APP_CLIENT_ID", "RC_APP_CLIENT_SECRET");
  // Login your account with your RingCentral Office user credentials
  $endpoint = "admin/accounts/~/gateGroups";
  // get a list of Queue Groups and find the "Platform" queue group for this user
  $response = $ev->get($endpoint);
  $jsonObj = json_decode($response);
  foreach ($jsonObj as $group){
      if ($group->groupName == "Platform"){
          // get a list of Queues from this "Platform" Queue Group
          $endpoint = 'admin/accounts/~/gateGroups/' . $group->gateGroupId . "/gates";
          $response = $ev->post($endpoint);
          print ($response);
}catch (Exception $e) {
  print $e->getMessage();

Sample request

GET {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups/{gateGroupId}/gates

Sample response

    "script": null,
        "id": 52653,
        "description": "Platform"
    "gateName": "Platform Inbound",
    "gateDesc": null,
    "gateId": 72874,
    "agentGateAccess": null,
    "isActive": true,
    "permissions": []
    "script": null,
        "id": 52653,
        "description": "Platform"
    "gateName": "My Queue",
    "gateDesc": "An initial queue for this Queue Group",
    "gateId": 72979,
    "agentGateAccess": null,
    "isActive": true,
    "permissions": []

Retrieve a Single Queue

Retrieve details for a single Queue using the gates endpoint.

Sample code

Be sure to set the proper BASE_URL and authorization header for your deployment.

/****** Install Node JS SDK wrapper *******
$ npm install ringcentral-engage-voice-client

const RunRequest = async function () {
    const EngageVoice = require('ringcentral-engage-voice-client').default

    // Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
    const ev = new EngageVoice({
        clientId: "RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTID",
        clientSecret: "RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTSECRET"

    try {
        // Authorize with your RingCentral Office user credentials
        await ev.authorize({
            username: "RINGCENTRAL_USERNAME",
            extension: "RINGCENTRAL_EXTENSION",
            password: "RINGCENTRAL_PASSWORD"

        // Get Queue Groups data
        const groupsEndpoint = "/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups"
        const groupsResponse = await ev.get(groupsEndpoint)
        for (var group of groupsResponse.data) {
            // Get every single Queue under your Queue Group
            if (group.groupName == "My New Queue Group") {
                const queuesEndpoint = groupsEndpoint + "/" + group.gateGroupId + "/gates"
                const queuesResponse = await ev.get(queuesEndpoint)
                for (var queue of queuesResponse.data) {
                    const singleQueueEndpoint = queuesEndpoint + "/" + queue.gateId
                    const singleQueueResponse = await ev.get(singleQueueEndpoint)
    catch (err) {

#### Install Python SDK wrapper ####
# $ pip3 install ringcentral_engage_voice
#  or
# $ pip install ringcentral_engage_voice

from ringcentral_engage_voice import RingCentralEngageVoice

def retrieve_single_queue():
        groupsEndpoint = "/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups"
        groupsResponse = ev.get(groupsEndpoint).json()
        for group in groupsResponse:
            # Retrieve Queues under your Queue Group
            if (group['groupName'] == "My New Queue Group"):
                queuesEndpoint = f"{groupsEndpoint}/{group['gateGroupId']}/gates"    # f        string:https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0498/
                queuesResponse = ev.get(queuesEndpoint).json()
                for queue in queuesResponse:
                    # Retrieve every single Queue
                    singleQueueEndpoint = f"{queuesEndpoint}/{queue['gateId']}"
                    singleQueueResponse = ev.get(singleQueueEndpoint).json()
    except Exception as e:

# Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
ev = RingCentralEngageVoice(

    # Authorize with your RingCentral Office user credentials

except Exception as e:

// Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
$ev = new EngageVoiceSDKWrapper\RestClient("RC_APP_CLIENT_ID", "RC_APP_CLIENT_SECRET");
  // Login your account with your RingCentral Office user credentials
  $endpoint = "admin/accounts/~/gateGroups";
  // get a list of Queue Groups and find the "Platform" queue group for this user
  $response = $ev->get($endpoint);
  $jsonObj = json_decode($response);
  foreach ($jsonObj as $group){
      if ($group->groupName == "Platform"){
          // get a list of Queues from this "Platform" Queue Group
          $endpoint = 'admin/accounts/~/gateGroups/' . $group->gateGroupId . "/gates";
          $response = $ev->post($endpoint);
          $jsonObj = json_decode($response);
          foreach ($jsonObj as $queue) {
              if ($queue->gateName == "My PHP Queue"){
                $endpoint .= '/' . $queue->gateId;
                $queueInfo = $ev->get($endpoint);
                print ($queueInfo);
}catch (Exception $e) {
  print $e->getMessage();

Sample request

GET {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups/{gateGroupId}/gates/{gateId}

Sample response

  "isActive": true,
  "gateName": "My Queue",
  "gateDesc": "An initial queue for this Queue Group",
  "gatePriority": 0,
  "billingCode": null,
  "outboundCallerId": "ani",
  "manualCallerId": null,
  "transferCallerId": null,
  "callbackCampaign": null,
  "abandonCampaign": null,
  "recordCall": 1,
  "stopRecordingOnTransfer": false,
  "recordingInConference": false,
  "shortAbandonTime": 30,
  "slaTime": 30,
  "shortCallTime": 30,
  "longCallTime": 300,
  "whisperMessage": null,
  "blockedAniMessage": null,
  "onHoldMessage": null,
  "endCallMessage": null,
  "script": null,
  "appUrl": null,
  "backupAppUrl": null,
  "ttAccept": false,
  "hangupOnDisposition": false,
  "enableGlobalPhoneBook": false,
  "enableIvrTokens": false,
  "afterCallState": null,
  "wrapTime": 8,
  "acceptTime": 30,
  "dispositionTimeout": 60,
  "dequeueSoapService": null,
  "resultFileDestination": null,
  "agentConnSoapService": null,
  "agentTermSoapService": null,
  "postCallSoapService": null,
  "postDispSoapService": null,
  "transferTermSoapService": null,
  "satSched": "00000000",
  "sunSched": "00000000",
  "monSched": "08002100",
  "tueSched": "08002100",
  "wedSched": "08002100",
  "thuSched": "08002100",
  "friSched": "08002100",
  "throttlingAniEvent": null,
  "maxQueueEvent": null,
  "fifoDisabled": true,
  "observeDst": true,
  "specialAniEvent": null,
  "throttleDays": 0,
  "surveyPopType": "FLASH",
  "dequeueDelay": 0,
  "agentPopMessage": null,
  "noAgentEvent": null,
  "requeueType": "ADVANCED",
  "throttleCalls": 0,
  "afterCallBaseState": null,
  "blockedAniMessage": null,
  "syncQueueWait": 10,
  "maxQueueLimit": -1,
      "id": 52653,
      "description": "Platform"
  "gateId": 72991,
  "gateClosedEvent": null,
  "permissions": [],
  "pauseRecordingSec": 30,
  "survey": null,
  "createdOn": "2020-05-18T15:41:44.000+0000",
  "revMatch": false,
  "agentGateAccess": null,

Update a Single Queue

Update the details for a single Queue using the gates endpoint. Several details need to be updated with a single PUT command so make sure to GET all details, modify the relevant fields, and then submit the entire object to update the Queue.

Sample code

Be sure to set the proper BASE_URL and authorization header for your deployment.

/****** Install Node JS SDK wrapper *******
$ npm install ringcentral-engage-voice-client

const RunRequest = async function () {
    const EngageVoice = require('ringcentral-engage-voice-client').default

    const ev = new EngageVoice({
        clientId: "RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTID",
        clientSecret: "RINGCENTRAL_CLIENTSECRET"

    try {
        // Authorize with your RingCentral Office user credentials
        await ev.authorize({
            username: "RINGCENTRAL_USERNAME",
            extension: "RINGCENTRAL_EXTENSION",
            password: "RINGCENTRAL_PASSWORD"

        // Get Queue Groups info
        const groupEndpoint = "/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups"
        const groupResponse = await ev.get(groupEndpoint)
        for (var group of groupResponse.data) {
            // Update your Queue under your Queue Group
            if (group.groupName == "My New Queue Group") {
                const queueEndpoint = groupEndpoint + "/" + group.gateGroupId + "/gates"
                const queueResponse = await ev.get(queueEndpoint)
                for (var queue of queueResponse.data) {
                    if (queue.gateName == "My Node Queue") {
                        const singleQueueEndpoint = queueEndpoint + "/" + queue.gateId
                        queue.gateDesc = "An *edited* queue description for this Queue"
                        const singleQueueResponse = await ev.put(singleQueueEndpoint, queue)
    catch (err) {

#### Install Python SDK wrapper ####
# $ pip3 install ringcentral_engage_voice
#  or
# $ pip install ringcentral_engage_voice

from ringcentral_engage_voice import RingCentralEngageVoice

def update_single_queue():
        groupsEndpoint = "/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups"
        groupsResponse = ev.get(groupsEndpoint).json()
        for group in groupsResponse:
            # Retrieve Queues under your Queue Group
            if (group['groupName'] == "My New Queue Group"):
                queuesEndpoint = f"{groupsEndpoint}/{group['gateGroupId']}/gates"    # f        string:https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0498/
                queuesResponse = ev.get(queuesEndpoint).json()
                for queue in queuesResponse:
                    # Update your Queue
                    if queue['gateName'] == "My New Queue":
                        singleQueueEndpoint = f"{queuesEndpoint}/{queue['gateId']}"
                        queue['gateDesc'] = f"{queue['gateDesc']} - Updated"
                        singleQueueResponse = ev.put(singleQueueEndpoint, queue).json()
    except Exception as e:

# Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
ev = RingCentralEngageVoice(

    # Authorize with your RingCentral Office user credentials

except Exception as e:

// Instantiate the SDK wrapper object with your RingCentral app credentials
$ev = new EngageVoiceSDKWrapper\RestClient("RC_APP_CLIENT_ID", "RC_APP_CLIENT_SECRET");
  // Login your account with your RingCentral Office user credentials
  $endpoint = "admin/accounts/~/gateGroups";
  // get a list of Queue Groups and find the "Platform" queue group for this user
  $response = $ev->get($endpoint);
  $jsonObj = json_decode($response);
  foreach ($jsonObj as $group){
      if ($group->groupName == "Platform"){
          // get a list of Queues from this "Platform" Queue Group
          $endpoint = 'admin/accounts/~/gateGroups/' . $group->gateGroupId . "/gates";
          $response = $ev->post($endpoint);
          $jsonObj = json_decode($response);
          foreach ($jsonObj as $queue) {
              if ($queue->gateName == "My PHP Queue"){
                $endpoint .= '/' . $queue->gateId;
                $queue->gateDesc = "An *edited* queue description for this Queue"
                $queueInfo = $ev->put($endpoint, $queue);
                print ($queueInfo);
}catch (Exception $e) {
  print $e->getMessage();

Sample request

Retrieve the entire Queue JSON object

GET {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups/{gateGroupId}/gates/{gateId}
Content-Type: application/json

  "isActive": true,
  "gateName": "My Queue",
  "gateDesc": "An initial queue for this Queue Group",
      "id": 52653,
      "description": "Platform"
  "gateId": 72992,
  "script": null,
  "agentGateAccess": null,
  "permissions": []

Modify the gateDesc and send the entire JSON response back

PUT {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups/{gateGroupId}/gates/{gateId}
Content-Type: application/json

  "isActive": true,
  "gateName": "My Queue",
  "gateDesc": "An *edited* queue for this Queue Group",
      "id": 52653,
      "description": "Platform"
  "gateId": 72992,
  "script": null,
  "agentGateAccess": null,
  "permissions": []

Delete a Single Queue

Delete a single Queue Group using the gates endpoint.

Be sure to set the proper BASE_URL and authorization header for your deployment.

Sample request

DELETE {BASE_URL}/api/v1/admin/accounts/{accountId}/gateGroups/{gateGroupId}/gates/{gateId}