RingCX Digital APIs

Build and manage your omni-digital presence with APIs for social media, SMS, live chat, email, and more

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Engage Digital, RingCX
United States, Canada, Europe, Australia

Intelligent social interactions and customer profiles

Use the API to interact with social communities and participate in customer discussions

Manage your channel sources while gaining deep insights from community and channel data. Manage your customers’ digital identities and improve customers’ interactions. Automate responses and initiate conversations in multiple threads with third-party applications or AI.

Manage agents and cases while tagging conversations for easy tracking

Use the API to control agent assignments and case management

Dynamically manage agent status, agent presence, and your teams. Manage escalation, workflow, internal communication and custom data related to customer cases. Tag conversations for easy recognition, prioritization, and analytics. List and assign tasks to appropriate agents.


Create and activate chatbots with AI integrations

Use the API to create customer chatbot integrations

Build smart chatbots and auto-assistants backed by your knowledge base and AI systems.  As questions come into a chat session you can dynamically search the knowledge base for suitable answers even if the answer just came in the day before. This takes the chatbot to the next level of going beyond guided and restrictive dialogue. 

RingCX Digital SDK code samples

Digital customer service couldn’t be easier with our SDKs for Python, Java, Ruby, and more.
            from ringcentral_engage_digital import RestClient

rc = RestClient(
r = rc.get('/1.0/roles')
assertEqual(len(r.json['records']) > 0, True)

Frequently asked questions

To help you manage your digital presence, here are some of the most common questions we get. Of course, you can always ask our community or contact our developer support for any questions you might have.

What is RingCX Digital?

What social media channels do you currently support?

What messaging apps do you currently support?

Can I use RingCX Digital as a messaging solution in my iOS or Android app?

Can I use RingCX Digital and the APIs to offer live chat on my website?

Where can I find more information about RingCX Digital?

There’s a huge potential for change in the coming years...it’s important to have a central platform... There might be different popular channels one year from now, but it won’t matter. RingCentral RingCX Digital allows us to connect other messaging services in one month or less.
Harald Feigner, Digital Experience Designer, UX Innovation
RingCentral RingCX is a pillar in our customer care strategy. RingCentral’s software and expertise has helped us to improve quality of service, enable peer support and self-service, and move our subscriber interactions into the digital domain.
Frédéric Gonin Head of Customer Service Transformation
It was RingCentral RingCX that was able to satisfy the complex and demanding standards of our business, reconciling the imperatives of community marketing and corporate communications with the obligations of customer service when it came to customer requests.
Marie-Hélène Albertini Head of Forums and Social Networks, Customer Service
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